B Banner

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- big
- banner
- blue
- bows
- buttons
- Big sheet of blue butcher paper
- Objects or pictures of objects that begin with B
- Black, blue, and brown markers
- Letter cards
The children will write the letter B on a big blue banner as they recognize and name the letter B.
Literacy Activities
Big blue banner
- Write the letter B on a whiteboard, name the letter, and have the children write the B in the air with their fingers.
- Show the children the big blue sheet of butcher paper, then explain to the children that this will be their B banner and that banner starts with the letter B.
- Have the children write the letter B on pictures of objects that begin with B, or have them write B on sticky notes to label real objects.
- Work together with the children to attach the objects or pictures to the big blue banner.
More Practice
Write the target letters
- Write a large letter B on the banner.
- Help the children use black, blue, and brown markers to write the letter B on the banner, using the letter you wrote as the model.
- As the children write, point out the shapes included in the letter B (i.e., lines and half-circles).
Find the letter B
- Cut out the letter cards and mix them up.
- Let the children each choose a letter card.
- Help the children decide whether or not the letter is a B, providing support as needed.
- If a child mistakenly identifies a distractor letter as the letter B, have him or her look at the letter B on the whiteboard and compare it to the letter he or she picked.
- Let the children tape or glue a B letter card to the banner.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and name the letter B.
- Blue construction paper
- Picture cards
- Additional objects or pictures of things beginning with the letter B (optional)
Activity: B Banner
- Attach the picture cards of things that begin with B to a piece of blue construction paper to make a banner.
- After you have finished attaching all of the pictures, help your child write the letter B under each picture using a black, blue, or brown marker.
- Help your child find additional objects or pictures of things that begin with the letter B to attach to the banner (optional).
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

B Banner