Bounce the B Ball

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- bounce
- ball
- back
- best
- Rubber ball (medium sized)
- Bounce the B Ball song
Tell the children that they will get to bounce a B ball back and forth as they recognize and name the letter B.
Literacy Activities
Bounce the B ball
- Write the letter B on a whiteboard, name the letter, and have the children write the B in the air with their fingers.
- Before the activity, write or tape the letter B on the ball
- Have the children stand in a circle.
- Teach the children the Bounce the B Ball song to the tune of "Skip to My Lou."
- Have the children bounce the B ball back and forth to each other as they sing the song.
- Each time the line “Bounce the B ball back” is sung, have the child holding the ball bounce it back to the teacher.
- Continue singing and bouncing until all of the children have had a turn bouncing the B ball.
- Let the children perform other actions with the B ball:
- Balance the B ball (try to balance the ball on your back).
- Bat the B ball (pretend to hit the ball with a baseball bat).
- Bowl the B ball (pretend to bowl the ball to knock over bowling pins).
- Brush pretend dust off the B ball.
More Practice
Make a B ball
- Help the children write the letter B several times on a piece of paper.
- Have the children roll the paper into a ball and let them balance, bat, and brush the paper ball like they did with the B ball during the activity.
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SEEL Target Texts
Bounce the B Ball
Bounce, bounce, bounce the B,
Bounce, bounce, bounce the B,
Bounce, bounce, bounce the B,
Bounce the B ball back!
Bounce, bounce, bounce the B,
Bounce, bounce, bounce the B,
Bounce the B ball back!
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and name the letter B.
- Bounce the B Ball song (to the tune of "Skip to My Lou")
- A ball that can bounce
Activity: Bounce the B ball
- Help your child write the letter B in various sizes and colors on a piece of paper.
- Cut out the letters and tape them onto the ball.
- Bounce the B ball back and forth with your child while singing the Bounce the B Ball song.
- Have your child perform other actions with the B ball:
- Balance the B ball (try to balance the ball on your back).
- Bat the B ball (pretend to hit the ball with a baseball bat).
- Bowl the B ball (pretend to bowl the ball to knock over bowling pins).
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Bounce the B Ball