Catching Catfish

Catching Catfish
Target text


Recognize and name the uppercase letter C and the lowercase letter c.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • camp
  • catch
  • catfish
  • cup
  • campfire


  • Catfish graphics
  • Paper clips
  • Pond graphic, blue paper, or a blue blanket
  • String
  • Magnet
  • Pretend campfire (e.g., red and orange tissue paper)
  • Cup

The children will cook some catfish as they recognize and name the uppercase letter C and the lowercase letter c

Literacy Activities
Catch the catfish 

  • Cut out the catfish graphics, attach a paper clip to each catfish, place the fish in a pretend pond (use the pond graphic below or blue paper), and tie or tape the magnet to the string to make a fishing pole.
  • Write the uppercase letter C and lowercase letter c on a whiteboard, name the letter, and have the children write the C and c in the air with their fingers.
  • Have the children sit around the pretend pond and let the children catch catfish with the magnetic fishing pole while chanting, “Catch the catfish.” 
  • Help the children name and identify the letter on each catfish. 
    • If the letter on the catfish is a C, place the catfish in a cup to carry to the campfire. 
    • If the letter is not a C, put it in a discard pile on the edge of the pond. 
  • When all of the letters have been identified, let the children place the catfish on the pretend fire while chanting, “Cook the catfish.” 
  • Encourage the children to draw the letter C in the air with their finger and say the /k/ sound while the catfish cooks. 

More Practice
Write the target letter 

  • Have the children trace the letter C on the front of the catfish using crayons to write the letter in different colors. 
  • Let the children write the letter C on the back of each catfish (support as needed). 
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and name the uppercase letter C and lowercase letter c


  • Catfish graphics
  • Two cups 
  • A piece of blue paper, a bowl, or an area designated as a pond 

Activity: Catching Catfish 

  • Cut out and put the catfish in a pretend pond. 
  • Show your child the letter C and c and suggest that you go fishing for catfish that have the letter C on them.
  • Pretend to go climbing (walking around your house) to find a campsite and to catch some catfish.
  • When you reach the pretend pond, encourage your child to try catching the catfish with his or her cup before they swim away, then you take a turn.
  • Help your child identify the letter on each catfish that he or she catches. 
    • If the letter on the catfish is the letter C or c, take it to the pretend campsite. 
    • If the letter is not a C, put it in a discard pile on the edge of the pond. 
  • Have your child write the letter C on the back of each catfish using different colored crayons. 


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.