C in the Clouds

C in the Clouds
Target text


Recognize and name the uppercase letter C and lowercase letter c.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • cloud
  • carpet
  • count
  • cup


  • Carpet, rug, or designated area 
  • Cloud graphic
  • Letter cards
  • Cup or container to hold letter cards

The children will fly on a magic carpet to put the letter C in the clouds as they recognize and name the uppercase C and the lowercase c

Literacy Activities
Fly a magic carpet to the clouds 

  • Write the uppercase letter C and lowercase letter c on a whiteboard, and name the letters.
  • Invite the children to sit on a rug, carpet, or designated area and pretend it is a magic carpet.
  • Hold up the cloud graphic with a C letter card attached to it.
  • Ask the children which letter they see in the cloud, then have the children say the letter C and practice writing it in the air with their finger.
  • Have the children choose and identify letter cards from a cup or container, supporting as needed.
    • If the letter is a C or a c, have the children pretend to fly on a magic carpet up to the cloud and attach the letter to the cloud. 
    • If the letter is not a C or a c, place the letter in a discard pile. 
  • Count how many C letter cards are on the cloud once the cup or container is empty. 

More Practice
Write the target letter 

  • Have the children practice writing the letter C (support as needed) several times on a piece of paper.
  • Pretend to fly on the magic carpet to take the C letters up to the cloud.
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and name the uppercase letter C and the lowercase letter c


  • Letter cards
  • Cloud graphic 

Activity: C in the Clouds 

  • Sit with your child on a rug, carpet, or designated area and pretend it is a magic carpet. 
  • Hold up the cloud graphic with a C letter card attached. 
  • Ask your child to identify what letter he or she can see on the cloud (support as needed), then tape the cloud graphic up on a wall. 
  • Have fun pretending to fly on the magic carpet and writing the letter C in the air together. 
  • Mix up the other letter cards, then have your child choose and identify one card at a time, supporting as needed.
    • If the letter is a C or c, pretend to fly on a magic carpet up to the cloud and attach the letter to the cloud. 
    • If the letter is not a C or c, put the letter in a discard pile. 
  • Have your child practice writing the letter C several times on a piece of paper (support as needed), then fly together on the magic carpet to take the C letters up to the cloud graphic. 


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
