e everywhere
E Everywhere
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- egg
- envelope
- everywhere
- empty
- Plastic Easter eggs
- Letter cards
- Egg carton
- Envelope
- Timer
The children will look for the letter E inside Easter eggs as they recognize and name the letter E.
Literacy Activities
Find the letter E everywhere
- Place letter cards in plastic Easter eggs and hide the eggs around the room.
- Write the letter E on a whiteboard, name the letter, and have the children write the E in the air with their fingers.
- Write the word egg on the board and point out that egg starts with the letter E.
- Have the children look for the plastic eggs and open them to find the letter inside.
- Support each child in naming the letters inside the eggs.
- If the letter is an E, have the child put the empty egg in the egg carton, and put the letter card in an envelope.
- If the letter is not an E, have the child leave the egg outside the egg carton and place the letter card in the discard pile.
- If a child misidentifies a distractor letter as an E, have him or her look at the E on the whiteboard and compare them to the letter he or she picked.
More Practice
Write the letter E
- Have the children write the letter E on small pieces of paper to put in the plastic Easter eggs.
- Repeat the egg hunt game, letting the children identify the letter inside each egg.
Play ABC hide and seek
- Provide letter cards.
- Have the children count the cards to determine how many letters they will need to find.
- Choose two children to hide the cards in a designated area.
- Set a timer and send a small group to find the letters.
- As a group, have the children identify the letters they have found.
- Play another round if time permits.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and name the letter E.
- Plastic Easter eggs
- Letter cards
- Envelope
- Small pieces of paper
Activity: E Everywhere
- Place the letter cards in plastic Easter eggs and hide the eggs around the room.
- Have your child find the eggs and open each egg to see the letter card inside.
- Decide together what letter is on each card.
- If the letter is an E, put it in an envelope.
- If the letter is not an E, place it in a discard pile.
- Help your child write the letter E on small pieces of paper.
- Place the letters inside the eggs and repeat the egg hunt game.
- The activity can be repeated several times.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
E Everywhere