Gobble the G

Gobble the G
Target text


Recognize and name the letter G.


See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • gorilla
  • greedy
  • gobble
  • garbage



  • Gorilla paper sack puppet
  • Letter cards
  • Paper—cut into small pieces

The children will feed the letter G to a greedy gorilla as they recognize and name the letter G.

Literacy Activities
Greedy gorilla

  • Write the letter G on a whiteboard, name the letter, and have the children write the G in the air with their fingers.
  • Show the children the greedy gorilla puppet and explain that a greedy gorilla is a type of monkey who wants a lot of food.
  • Have the children choose a letter card one at a time.
  • Identify the letter on the card together.
    • If the letter on the card is a G, have the children say, “Greedy Gorilla likes G!” while they pretend to feed the card to the gorilla.
    • If the letter on the card is not a G, have the children say, “Greedy gorilla doesn’t like ___” while they put the letter card in the garbage pile.
  • Allow the children to take turns holding and feeding the gorilla puppet.

More Practice
Identify the target letter

  • Write a T-chart on the whiteboard. Label one column “Gobble” and place the gorilla puppet by this column. Label the other column “Garbage” and place a garbage can by this column.
  • Hold up the letter cards one at a time. Have the children name the letter on the card.
    • If the letter is a G, tape the card to the whiteboard in the “Gobble” column.
    • If letter is not a G, tape the card in the “Garbage” column.
  • At the end of the activity let the greedy gorilla gobble all of the G letter cards and throw the other cards into the garbage can.

Write the target letter

  • Have the children write the letter G on small pieces of paper to create their own letter cards (provide support as needed).
  • Let the children feed their G letter cards to the greedy gorilla.
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and name the letter G.


  • Letter cards
  • Greedy gorilla picture
  • Empty glass or plastic bottle
  • Paper and pencil

Activity: Gobble the G

  • Tape the gorilla head to the bottle and lay out the letter cards in a circle around the greedy gorilla bottle.
  • Spin the bottle and see which card the bottle is pointing toward. 
  • Help your child identify the letter on the card.
    • If letter on the card is a G, put the card inside the bottle while saying, "The greedy gorilla gobbles G!" 
    • If the letter is not a G, take that card out of the circle.
  • Have your child write the letter G on small pieces of paper to create his or her own letter cards (provide support as needed).
  • Let your child feed their G letter cards to the greedy gorilla.
  • The activity can be repeated several times.


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
