Hot H
Target text


Recognize and name the uppercase letter H and lowercase letter h.


See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • hot
  • hand
  • high
  • happy
  • have
  • heat


  • Letter cards*
  • Red crayons, markers, or colored pencils
  • Red Hot H song* sung to the tune of London Bridge

*Items included below.

State the Objective

Tell the children that they will pass a hot letter H as they recognize and name the uppercase letter H and the lowercase letter h.

Literacy Activities

Pass the hot H

  • Write the uppercase letter H and the lowercase letter h on a whiteboard, name the letters, and have the children write the H and h high in the air with their fingers.
  • Invite the children to sit in a circle and teach them the Red Hot H song (see below) to the tune of London Bridge.
  • Hold up the uppercase letter H card, have the children name the letter, then pass the card around the circle as they sing the Red Hot H song until you signal them to stop.
  • When the music stops, have the child holding the letter card stand up and say, ¨H, H, H goes /h/, /h/, /h/! Red hot H!¨
  • Repeat the game using the h letter card.
  • Repeat the game as many times as desired, alternating between the uppercase and lowercase letter cards.

Identify the target letter

  • Show the children the text for the song Red Hot H. 
  • Have the children circle the uppercase H and lowercase h in the text using a red crayon, colored pencil, or marker. 
  • Sing the song again and have the children hold their hand up high in the air every time they see the letter H or h. 

Write the target letter

  • Have the children write the letters H and h on a piece of paper several times using a red crayon, colored pencil, or marker (provide support as needed).
  • Repeat the hot H game using the children's red letters (optional).
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SEEL Target Texts

Red Hot H Song

Letter H goes /h/, /h/, /h/
/h/, /h/, /h/
Why is that?
Because H is hot, hot, hot
H is red hot!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.