Swish for a Fish

Swish for a Fish
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with fish (e.g., "Do fish and wish rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with fish.)."

Point to words in a target text to demonstrate print awareness. 

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • fish
  • wish
  • dish
  • swish


  • Bowl labeled “Dish” (see label below)
  • Towel
  • Fish graphics—1 for each child (see below)
  • Magic wand (any long object)
  • Paper dishes—1 for each child
  • I Wish I Had a Fish song (see below) 

State and model the objective
Tell the children that they will wish for a fish from a magic dish and hear and say words that rhyme with fish, such as wish, dish, and swish.  

Practice the skill within an activity

  • Swish for a fish 
    • Before the activity, put the Dish label (see below) on the bowl, put all of the fish graphics (see below) into the dish and cover the dish with the towel.
    • Have the children take turns waving the magic wand over the dish while saying the magic words: “Swish! Swish! Swish! I wish for a fish!” 
    • After each child's turn, give him or her a fish from the dish. 
    • Teach the children the I Wish I Had a Fish song (see below). 
    • Hand out a dish to each child and allow the children to swish their fish in their dishes as they sing the song.
    • Ask the children to echo the words you say from the activity that rhyme with fish, such as swish, fish, dish, and wish. 

Apply the skill

  • Read a predictable, repetitive target text to the children to support print awareness (see text below) 
    • Display the target text I Wish I Had a Fish song large enough for children to easily see. 
    • Read the text to the children, pointing to each word in left to right sequence. 
    • Read the text again and have the children point to each word in left to right sequence. 
    • Allow the children to shadow read by repeating predictable phrases while you read the text again. 
    • Say words from the text that rhyme with fish and ask the children to decide if they rhyme
  • Practice rhyming 
    • Produce words that rhyme with fish 
      • Remind the children of the words they played with (dish, wish, swish). 
      • Tell them you can think of another word that rhymes with fish (squish). 
      • Ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with fish. 
      • If a child doesn't respond in a few seconds, give him/her an option: 
        • "How about wish? Does wish rhyme with fish?" (Nod your head yes to let the child know that they rhyme)
        • "Do swish and fish rhyme?" (Nod your head yes) 
    • Recognize rhyming words 
      • Have the children repeat a set of two words (e.g., fish, dish). 
      • Ask the children to put their thumbs up if the words rhyme and their thumbs down if the words do not rhyme. 
      • Repeat with other sets of words: (e.g., wish, swish; dish, squish; fish, turtle; wish, rock; swish, squish). 
      • If children do not respond correctly, repeat the two words, emphasizing the ending sounds of the words.
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SEEL Target Texts

I Wish I Had a Fish Song

*Sung to tune of London Bridges Falling Down

I wish I had a little fish,
Little fish, little fish,
I wish I had a little fish,
Wish for a little fish.

I wish I had a little dish,
Little dish, little dish,
I wish I had a little dish,
A dish for a little fish.

I wish I had a fish and dish,
Fish and dish, fish and dish,
I wish I had a fish and dish,
A fish in a dish.

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SEEL At Home



Recognize words that rhyme with fish (e.g., "Do fish and wish rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with fish.)."


  • Two fish graphics (see below)  
  • Dish label (see below)
  • Bowl 
  • Paper towel to cover the fish in the dish 
  • Magic wand (or any long object)
  • I Wish I had a Fish song (see below)

Activity: Wish for a Fish

  • Before the activity, put the Dish label (see below) on the bowl, place the two fish graphics (see below) in the bowl, and place a paper towel over it.
  • Give your child the magic wand and have him or her wave it over the bowl saying, “Swish, swish, swish, I wish for a fish.”
  • After your child has made his or her wish, give him or her a fish from the dish.
  • Allow your child to hold the bowl and give you a fish after you make a wish for a fish by saying, “Swish, swish, swish, I wish for a fish.”
  • After both of you have a fish, swish your fish in a dish while you sing the I Wish I had a Fish song.
  • See if your child can remember and name all of the words that rhyme with fish from the I Wish I had a Fish song (support where needed). 
  • Repeat as many times as desired.

swish for fish

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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
