Kids in the Corner

Kids in the Corner
Target text


Recognize and produce the /k/ sound in a series of words that begin with the /k/ sound.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • kid
  • cab
  • kitty
  • corner
  • count
  • caught


  • Large pieces of paper; one for each corner of the room

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will play a corner game as they listen for words that begin with /k/, such as kid, cab, count, and corner.

Literacy Activities
Caught in the corner

  • With the children, come up with easy /k/ sound names for each of the corners in the room (e.g., kite corner, car corner, cab corner, kitty corner). 
  • Draw a picture on each piece of paper to represent that corner’s name (e.g., draw a cat on the kitty corner paper), and have children help put one paper in each corner of the room.
  • Choose a child to stand at the front of the room, close his or her eyes and count saying, “Count 1, count 2, count 3 . . .” up to 10.
    • If the child cannot count yet, have him or her say the word count until you say “stop”. 
  • Have the other children quickly and quietly choose a corner to stand in while the child counts (they don’t need to all stand in the same corner).
  • When the child has finished counting, have him or her keep his or her eyes closed and guess which corner the other children are hiding in by saying, “Kids in the ___ (e.g., kite corner)!” 
    • If there are children standing in that corner, the children will say, “Caught in the kite corner!” and you can have one of those children be the next counter.
    • If no one is standing in the chosen corner, have the counter guess a different corner, supporting as needed.
  • Repeat as many times as desired.
  • Have the children help you review the words that start with /k/ that they heard in the activity, emphasizing the /k/ sound (e.g., /k/ /k/ cat)

More Practice
Identify the target sound

  • Tell the children to listen for the /k/ sound and clap when they hear a word that begins with /k/.
  • Slowly say a sentence with a lot of /k/ sound words in it (e.g., “Kids in the kite corner!” “Caught in the kite corner!”), pausing between each word to allow the children to clap if appropriate, and supporting as needed.
  • Optional: Repeat the sentence again, a little faster each time, until the sentence runs together smoothly.
  • Repeat the activity two or three more times with different /k/ word sentences.
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SEEL At Home


Recognize and produce the /k/ sound in a series of words that all begin with /k/.


  • Paper; one for each corner of a room

Activity: Caught in the Corner

  • Note: This activity would be fun to do with a larger group of people, too.
  • With your child, think of /k/ sound names for each of the corners in your living room (e.g., car corner, kitty corner, cow corner, kite corner). 
  • Draw a picture on a paper for each corner’s name (e.g., draw a cat on the kitty corner paper), and have your child help you put one paper in each corner of the room.
  • Have your child stand in the middle of the room, close his or her eyes, and count to ten, saying, "Count 1, count 2, count 3 . . ."
    • If your child cannot count yet, have him or her say the word count until you say, “stop!”.
  • Quietly choose a corner to stand in. 
  • When your child has finished counting, have him or her keep his or her eyes closed and guess which corner you are standing in (e.g., car corner). 
    • If your child says the corner you are standing in then you say, "Caught in the ___ corner!" and trade places for the next round.
    • If your child doesn’t guess the corner you are in, whisper, “Keep trying!” and suggest corner names if needed until you are found.
  • Repeat as many times as desired. 
  • After playing the game, say several words to your child (pausing for a response after each word), some that begin with /k/ and some that do not (e.g., kite, milk, kind, cup, purse), and invite your child to clap for the words that begin with the /k/ sound.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.