Make a Monster Mask

Make a Monster Mask
Target text


Recognize and name the uppercase letter M and lowercase letter m.


See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • mask
  • monster
  • macaroni
  • mini
  • marshmallow


  • Monster mask graphic
  • Letter cards
  • M objects (macaroni, mini marshmallows, markers, etc.)
  • Book: A Halloween Mask for Monster by Virginia Mueller (optional)

The children will make a monster mask with the letter M on it as they recognize and name the uppercase letter M and the lowercase letter m.

Literacy Activities
Monster mask

  • Prepare a mask for each child by printing the graphic on cardstock or glueing the graphic on a paper plate with eye cutouts.
  • Read A Halloween Mask for Monster by Virginia Mueller (optional), emphasizing the letter M.
  • Write the uppercase letter M and the lowercase letter m on a whiteboard, name the letters, and have the children write the M and m in the air with their fingers.
  • Show the children a monster mask and point out that monster and mask  both begin with the letter M.
  • Mix up the letter cards and have the children choose one card at a time.
  • Decide as a group whether or not each letter is an uppercase M or a lowercase m.
    • If the letter is an M or m, put it near the mask cutout.
    • If the letter is not an M or m, place it in the discard pile.
  • Give each of the children a pre-cut M monster mask and have the children decorate their masks by gluing or taping M and m letter cards onto their masks. 
  • Invite the children to continue to decorate their masks with various objects that begin with the letter M (e.g., macaroni, mini marshmallows, etc.). 
  • Make a list of the items used to decorate the mask and have the children circle the letter M or m at the beginning of each word. 

More Practice
Write the target letter

  • Have the children write the uppercase letter M and lowercase letter m several times on a piece of paper.
  • Let the children cut out the letters and glue them on their monster mask (support as needed).
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and name the uppercase letter M and lowercase letter m.


  • Mini mask graphic
  • Letter cards

Activity: Monster Mask

  • Make a mini mask using the graphic below.
  • Help your child sort the letter cards, putting the M and m letter cards by the mini monster mask and placing the other letters in a discard pile.
  • Invite your child to decorate the backside of the M monster mask with some of the M and m letter cards.
  • Help your child write and cut out the uppercase letter M and lowercase m in various sizes and colors, then attach the new letters to the M monster mask.


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.