Officer O
Target text


Recognize and name the uppercase letter O and the lowercase letter o.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • officer
  • on
  • off


  • Police officer badge
  • Letter O signs—one on red paper, one on green paper
  • Letter cards

The children will take turns pretending to be Officer O as they recognize and name the uppercase letter O and lowercase letter o.

Literacy Activities
Go to Officer O

  • Write the uppercase letter O and the lowercase letter o on a whiteboard, name the letters (pointing out that size is the only difference between the two), and have the children write Os in the air with their fingers.
  • Show the children the letter O signs and explain that they will play a game where the green O means go and the red O means stop.
  • Let one child pretend to be Officer O while wearing the police officer badge and holding the green and the red O letters.
  • Have the other children stand across the room from Officer O.
    • When Officer O holds up the green letter O, let the other children walk towards the officer, saying “Go to Officer O!”
    • When Officer O lowers the green O and raises the red O, have the other children freeze in place and stand silently.
  • Allow Officer O to alternate between the green and red O signs a few times before choosing a new Officer O.

More Practice
Play ABC hide and seek

  • Provide letter cards showing the letter O and distractor letters.
  • Choose two children to hide the cards in a designated area.
  • Let the other children search for the hidden letter cards.
  • As a group, have the children identify the letters they have found.
  • Have the children place the letter O cards on the Officer O badge and leave the other letter cards off of the badge.
  • Play another round if time permits.

Write the letter O

  • Play the Officer O game with this variation:
    • When the officer holds up the green O sign, have the children write the letter O repeatedly on a sheet of paper.
    • When the officer holds up the red O sign, have the children stop writing.
  • Let the officer alternate between holding up the red and green O signs several times.
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and name the uppercase letter O and the lowercase letter o.


  • Officer O badge
  • Two half sheets of paper
  • Red and green markers or crayons

Activity: Go to Officer O

  • Help your child write a large letter O on each half sheet of paper, then have him or her color one O green and the other red.
  • Play Go to Officer O with your child and any other family members who wish to play (similar to Red Light, Green Light):
    • Let your child pretend to be Officer O while wearing the police officer badge and holding the green and the red O papers.
      • When Officer O holds up the green letter O, let the other players walk towards the officer, saying "Go to Officer O!"
      • When Officer O lowers the green O and raises the red O, have the other players freeze in place and stand silently. 
    • Allow Officer O to alternate between the green and red O signs a few times before choosing a new Officer O.
  • When you are finished playing, allow your child to decorate the red and green O papers with lots of Os (support as needed).


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.