Rub a Rough R

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- rub
- rough
- red
- Rough sandpaper or corrugated cardboard
- Letter cards
- Red crayons
- R coloring page—one for each child
The children will rub a rough letter R as they recognize and name the letter R.
Literacy Activities
Rub a rough R
- Cut sandpaper or corrugated cardboard into several pieces and scatter the letter cards around the room.
- Write the letter R on a whiteboard, name the letter, and have the children say the letter name as they write the R in the air with their fingers.
- Let the children gather the letter cards and help them decide whether or not each letter is an R.
- If the letter is an R, have the children put it near the sandpaper (or cardboard) pieces.
- If the letter is not an R, have them place it in a discard pile.
- If a child misidentifies a distractor letter as an R, have him or her look at the R on the whiteboard and compare it to the letter he or she picked.
- Allow the children to glue or tape the R letter cards to the sandpaper or cardboard.
- Let the children rub the letter cards with their fingers and comment that the R is rough.
Color a rough R
- Give the children an R coloring page and have the children trace the R.
- Help the children place the coloring page on sandpaper (or cardboard) and rub the R with a red crayon.
- Comment that the rough pattern shows up on the R when the children rub the paper with the crayon.
- Have the children find the letter R in the word red on the crayon wrapper.
More Practice
Identify the target letter
- Have the children show you their red R pages.
- Write a letter R on a blank spot on each child's papers. Have the children trace that letter R with their red crayons.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and name the letter R.
- Sandpaper or corrugated cardboard
- Tape or glue
- Red crayon
- Letter cards
Activity: Rub Rough R
- Mix up the letter cards, then allow your child to choose one at a time.
- Help your child decide whether or not each letter is an R.
- If the letter is an R, have your child put it near the sandpaper (or cardboard).
- If the letter is not an R, then place it in a discard pile.
- Help your child place the R letter cards on the sandpaper (or cardboard), then tape or glue them in place.
- Let your child rub the letter cards with their fingers and comment that the R is rough.
- Allow your child to color the letter cards with a red crayon.
- Point out that the rough pattern from the sandpaper shows up on the R.
- The activity can be repeated several times.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Rub a Rough R