Rug Race

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- rug
- race
- rest
- red
- Two rugs, carpet squares, or towels
- Two stuffed animals or toys
- Race and Rest signs
- Red R flags
- Popsicle sticks or straws
- Handwriting practice page
The children will ride on rugs and race as they recognize and name the letter R.
Literacy Activities
Rug race to R
- Use masking tape to make a start and a finish line at opposite ends of the room.
- Write the letter R on a whiteboard, name the letter, and have the children write the R in the air with their fingers.
- Have the children circle the letter R in the Race and Rest signs.
- Place the Race sign and rugs at the start line and place the Rest sign and the red R flags at the finish line.
- Divide the children into two teams and have each team stand in a single file line behind a rug.
- Place a stuffed animal or toy on each rug, then have the first child in each line gently drag the rug to the Rest line.
- Invite the other children waiting in line to cheer for their team by chanting, “Race to the R!”
- When the children reach the Rest line, have them touch the R flag and say, “R!” and then gently drag the rug back to the starting line.
- Repeat until all of the children have pulled a toy on the rug to the Rest line.
More Practice
Identify the target letter
- Make a list on the board of the R words used throughout the activity (e.g., rug, race, rest, red).
- Allow the children to circle the letter R in each word.
Write the target letter
- Give the children the handwriting practice page.
- Let the children trace the letters, then write the letter R on their own using the lines as a guide.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and name the letter R.
- Rug, carpet square, or towel
- Stuffed animal or toy
- Letter cards
Activity: Rug Race
- Help your child write the letter R on a piece of paper and have him or her name the letter.
- Place a rug (or a pretend rug) at one end of the room and the R paper your child made at the other end of the room.
- Set a stuffed animal or toy on the rug with the letter cards, then have your child gently drag the rug to the other side of the room.
- When your child reaches the R paper, have your child place the letter cards on the sign and say, "R!"
- Have your child sit on the rug and gently pull him or her back to the other side of the room.
- The activity can be repeated several times.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Rug Race