S Spider
Target text


Recognize and name the uppercase letter and the lowercase letter s.

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • spin
  • spots
  • silly
  • spider
  • spooky


  • Picture of a spider*
  • Letter cards*
  • Spooky Spider song*
  • “Frere Jacques” song (optional)
  • Book: Spooky Spider by Mark Shulman and Patti Jennings, 2004 (optional)

*Items included below.

State the Objective

Tell the children that they will stick the letter S to a spider and that they will recognize and name uppercase letter S and lowercase letter s.

Literacy Activities

S Spider

  • Write and name uppercase letter S and lowercase letter s.
  • Have the children write S and s in the air with their fingers.
  • Read the book Spooky Spider, by Mark Shulman and Patti Jennings, with the children and emphasize the letter S (optional).
  • Teach the children the Spooky Spider song (see below), which can be sung to the tune of “Frere Jacques.
  • Help the children sort the letter cards (see below).
    • If the letter is an S, have the children put it on the S Spider (see below).
    • If the letter is not an S, have them place it in a discard pile.

Identify the target letter in a text

  • Show the children the text of the Spooky Spider song (see below).
  • Have the children circle the letter S every time it occurs in the text.
  • Read the text slowly, following along with your finger, and have the children write the letter S in the air each time they see the letter S in the text.

Write the target letter

  • Tell the children to draw a large spider (i.e., draw a circle with four lines on each side for the legs).
  • Help the children write the letter S on the spider.
  • Lead the children in singing the Spooky Spider song (see below).
  • Allow the children to spin their spooky spider while singing the song.
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