s sweater
S Sweater
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- song
- super
- swipe
- sweater
- swiftly
- silently
- Sweater
- Picture of a super S*
- Letter cards*
- Super S Sweater song*
- Music for "Happy and You Know It" (optional)
*Items included below.
State the Objective
Tell the children that they will make a Super S sweater and that they will recognize and name the uppercase letter S and the lowercase letter s.
Literacy Activities
Super Sweater
- Write and name uppercase letter S and lowercase letter s.
- Let a child attach the Super S image (see below) to a sweater.
- Teach the children the Super S Sweater song to the tune of “Happy and You Know it.”
- Scatter the letter cards (see below) around the room and have the children gather the cards while singing the Super S Sweater song.
- Help the children sort the letter cards (see below).
- If the letter is an S, have the children put it on the Super S Sweater.
- If the letter is not an S, have the children place it in a discard pile.
Swipe the S off the Super Sweater
- Place the Super S Sweater at the front of the room with the S cards on top.
- Have one child stand in the front of the room and hide their eyes with their hands.
- Let the children take turns silently and swiftly (quickly) swiping (taking) a letter S card from on top of the Super S Sweater and then sneak back to their seat.
- Have the seated children ask, "Who swiped the S off the Super S Sweater?"
- Have the child covering his or her eyes guess who they think swiped the S.
- If they guess correctly, have the child write an S on a whiteboard.
- If they guess incorrectly, the child who swiped the S gets to write an S on the whiteboard and guess next.
Identify the target letter in a text
- Show the children the text to the Super S Sweater song (see below).
- Have the children circle the letter S every time it occurs in the text.
- Read the text slowly, following along with your finger, and have the children write the letter S in the air each time they see the letter S in the text.
Write the target letter
- Have the children practice writing the letter S with their fingers.
- Let the children write the letter S in different colors and sizes on small pieces of paper.
- Help the children attach the letters to the Super S Sweater.
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SEEL Target Texts
Super S Sweater Song
If you like my super sweater, point to S!
If you like my super sweater, point to S!
If you like my super sweater, and you want to make it better,
If you like my super sweater, point to S!
If you like my super sweater, point to S!
If you like my super sweater, and you want to make it better,
If you like my super sweater, point to S!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
S Sweater