Search for S

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- sun
- search
- space
- Saturn
- stars
- Sun made out of yellow paper or sun picture
- Paper planets—including Saturn
- Stars
- Letter cards
- Search for S page
- Sticky notes or small pieces of paper
The children will pretend to search space as they recognize and name the uppercase letter S and the lowercase letter s.
Literacy Activities
Search space for the letter S
- Make a large sun out of yellow paper or use the sun picture, four different-sized planets out of colored paper (including Saturn), and six stars.
- Write the letter S on the sun, Saturn, and the stars, and the first letter of different planet names on the other planets (e.g., V for Venus, M for Mars)
- Write the uppercase letter S and the lowercase letter s on a whiteboard, name the letters (pointing out that the upper and lowercase letter S look the same), and have the children say the letter name as they write the letter S and s in the air with their fingers.
- Write the word sun on the board, circling the letter S and telling the children that they will pretend to search in space for the letter S, which they will next to the sun graphic.
- Show the children the sun, planets, and stars, and have the children take turns naming the letters on each one. Have the children spin when they see a letter S and stand still if they don't.
- Place the sun, planets, and stars around the room with related letter cards around them (i.e., S cards near stars, M card near Mars).
- Have the children pretend they are walking in space (big slow motion steps), stopping as they reach each item and have the children identify the letter.
- If the letter is an S or an s, have a few children take the item and the S letter cards and put them next to the sun graphic.
- If the children determine the letter is not an S, have them move on to the next space item.
- When the children have collected all of the items and letter cards, return back to the sun and have them check to be sure everything has an S on it.
More Practice
Identify the target letter
- Give the children the Search for S page and have them find and circle the letter S on the page.
- Have the children make their hands into tube shapes and use them as binoculars to search for the letter S (optional).
Write the target letter
- Help the children write the letter S on sticky notes or small pieces of paper.
- Allow the children to put their S papers on the S sun.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and name the uppercase letter S and the lowercase letter s.
- Sun graphic
- Letter cards
- Sticky notes or small pieces of paper
Activity: Search in Space for S
- Write the letter S on the sun graphic and have your child name the letter.
- Scatter the letter cards around the room then have your child search for and gather all of the cards.
- Help your child decide whether or not the letter on each card is an S or an s.
- If the letter is an S, have your child put it on the S sun.
- If the letter is not an S, place it in the discard pile.
- Help your child write the letter S on sticky notes or small pieces of paper, then have him or her put the S papers on the S sun.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Search for S