Tents with T
Tents with T
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- tent
- tape
- trail
- Sheet or large cloth
- Letter cards*
- Tent picture*
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will tape the letter T to a tent as they recognize and name the uppercase letter T and the lowercase letter t.
Literacy Activities
Tent with T
- Write the uppercase letter T and the lowercase letter t on a whiteboard.
- Name the letters and have the children write the T and t in the air.
- Set up a tent using a large sheet or cloth over chairs or a table.
- Spread out the letter cards around the room.
- Have the children gather the letter cards and help them decide if the letter on the card is the uppercase letter T or lowercase letter t.
- If the letter on the card is a T or a t, have the children tape it to the tent.
- If the letter is not a T or a t, place it in the discard pile.
- If a child misidentifies a distractor letter as a T or a t, have him or her look at the T and t on the whiteboard and compare them to the letter he or she picked.
Write the target letter
- Give the children a tent picture and help them write the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t on the tent.
- Help the children write the uppercase letter T and lowercase letter t on small pieces of paper or sticky notes, then have the children place the T letter cards in a trail leading toward the tent.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Tents with T