U Under an Umbrella

U Under an Umbrella
Target text


Recognize and name the uppercase letter U and lowercase letter u.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • up
  • under
  • umbrella
  • uncover


  • Umbrella or umbrella graphic
  • Strings
  • Clothespins or paper clips
  • Small pieces of paper or sticky notes
  • Letter cards
  • A bag

The children will attach the letter U under an umbrella as they recognize and name the uppercase letter U and lowercase letter u.

Literacy Activities
Put U letters under an umbrella

  • Attach string to the underside of an umbrella or to a picture of an umbrella and put clothespins or paper clips along the string.
  • Write the uppercase letter U and the lowercase letter u on the whiteboard, name the letters, and have the children say the letter names as they write the U and u in the air with their fingers.
  • Have the children write the letters U and u on small pieces of paper or sticky notes to make letter cards.
  • Pretend that it’s raining and tell the children that they need to put the U letter cards up under the umbrella to keep them from getting wet.
  • Help the children attach the letter cards to the string under the umbrella using the clothespins or paperclips.
  • Comment that the letter U is now under the umbrella.

More Practice
Hide the U under an umbrella

  • Cut out the letter cards and place them in a bag.
  • Tell the children they will hide the letter U under an umbrella.
  • Have the children take turns drawing a letter from the bag and deciding if the letter is a U or a u or some other letter.
    • If the letter is an uppercase U or a lowercase u, then have the children hide it under an umbrella.
    • If the letter is not a U or a u, place it in the discard pile.
    • If a child misidentifies a distractor letter as a U or a u, have him or her look at the U and u on the whiteboard and compare them to the letter he or she picked. 
  • Once all of the letter cards with a U are hidden under the umbrella, have the children uncover the letters and check to make sure that only the letter U was under the umbrella.
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and name the uppercase letter U and lowercase letter u.


  • Umbrella or umbrella graphic with string attached to the underside
  • Clothespins or paper clips
  • Paper

Activity: U Under an Umbrella

  • Help your child make letter cards by writing the letters U and u on small pieces of paper.
  • Pretend it's raining and tell your child to put the U letter cards under the umbrella to keep them from getting wet. 
  • Help your child attach the letter cards to the string using paper clips or clothespins, saying "U goes under the umbrella" each time.
  • Have your child decorate the umbrella graphic by writing the letters U and u on it in various sizes and colors.


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
