W Wiggle Dance

W Wiggle Dance
Target text


Recognize and name the uppercase letter W and the lowercase letter w. 

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • wiggle
  • waggle
  • whirl


  • Letter cards
  • The Wiggle Dance chant
  • Instrumental music (optional)
  • Wiggle! by Doreen Cronin (Atheneum Books for Young Readers) (optional)

The children will wiggle the letter W in a wiggle waggle dance as they recognize and name the uppercase letter W and the lowercase letter w.

Literacy Activities
Wiggle Waggle

  • Write the uppercase letter W and the lowercase letter w on a whiteboard, name the letters, and have the children say the letter name as they write the W and w in the air with their fingers.
  • Read the book Wiggle! By Doreen Cronin to the children, emphasizing the letter W (optional).
  • Give the children a letter card and have them name the letter on the card.
  • Teach the children the words and actions to the Wiggle Dance chant.
  • Explain that wiggle and waggle mean to shake or move back and forth and that whirl means to spin around.
  • Turn on instrumental music (optional).
  • Allow the children to wiggle, waggle, and whirl their W letter card as they do the Wiggle Dance.

More Practice
Identify the target letter in a text

  • Show the children the text for the Wiggle Dance chant.
  • Have the children circle the letter W every time it occurs in the text.
  • Read the text slowly, following along with your finger, and have the children write the letter W in the air each time they see the letter W in the text.

Write the target letter

  • Help the children write the letter W on a piece of paper.
  • Allow the children to do the Wiggle Dance again using the W letter card that they made.
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SEEL Target Texts

The Wiggle Dance

I love to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.
Won’t you wiggle with me?
I love to waggle, waggle, waggle.
Won’t you waggle with me?
I love to whirl, whirl, whirl.
Won’t you whirl with me?
That’s how the wiggle dance goes!
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and name the uppercase letter W and the lowercase letter w.


  • The Wiggle Dance chant

Activity: W Wiggle Dance

  • Help your child write a large letter W on a piece of paper.
  • Review The Wiggle Dance chant with your child.
  • Turn on instrumental music (optional).
  • Let your child do The Wiggle Dance using the letter W that he or she made.
  • Have your child circle the letter W every time it occurs in the chant.
  • Read the text slowly, following along with your finger, and have your child write the letter W in the air each time he or she sees the letter W in the text.
  • The activity can be repeated several times.


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
