Work to Find W
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- whistle
- work
- wagon
- Wagon graphic
- Letter cards
- "Whistle While You Work" song
- W color page
- Work to find W page
- Handwriting practice page
The children will work to find the letter W as they recognize and name the uppercase letter W and the lowercase letter w.
Literacy Activities
Work to find the letter W
- Write the uppercase letter W and the lowercase letter w on a whiteboard, name the letters, and have the children say the letter name as they write the W and w in the air with their fingers.
- Place the wagon graphic in the middle of the room, writing a W on it.
- Teach the children the "Whistle While You Work" song
- Scatter the letter cards around the room.
- Instruct the children to work to clean up all of the letter cards and play "Whistle While You Work" while they work.
- Help the children decide whether or not each letter is an uppercase letter W or a lowercase letter w.
- If the letter is a W, have the children put it near W wagon.
- If the letter is not a W, place it in the discard pile.
- If a child misidentifies a distractor letter as a W or a w, have him or her look at the W and w on the whiteboard and compare them to the letter he or she picked.
Work to color a W
- Give each child a W color page and have them work to color the letter.
- Instruct the children to work to write the letter W in the empty space around the large W.
More Practice
Identify the target letter
- Give the children the Work to Find W page.
- Instruct the children to work to find and circle the letter W on the page.
- Have the children say, “I found a W!” every time they circle a W.
Write the target letter
- Give the children the handwriting practice page and tell them they will work to write the letter W.
- Let the children trace the letters and then write the letter W on their own using the lines as a guide.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Work to Find W