"X" Marks the Spot

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- box
- exciting
- Treasure map
- Large letter cards
- Small letter cards
- Box
- Treat or other “treasure”
- Exciting music
The children will follow a map to find a treasure box as they recognize and name the uppercase letter X and the lowercase letter x.
Literacy Activities
X marks the spot
- Place a treat or some type of treasure in a box.
- Write the uppercase letter X and the lowercase letter x on a whiteboard, name the letters, and have the children say the letter name as they write the X and x in the air with their fingers.
- Set up a treasure hunt path that takes the children past the large letter cards S, O, and M before they reach the letter X and the treasure box hidden nearby.
- Explain to the children that they will follow a path of letters and look for the letter X.
- Show the children the treasure map and have them walk along the path.
- Point out the different letters as you come to them and help the children decide whether or not each letter is an X.
- When the children find the X that marks the spot, have them search nearby to find the treasure box.
- Have the children draw an X in the air with their fingers to open the box.
- Open the treasure box and share the treasure or treat inside.
X freeze dance
- Turn on exciting music and have the children dance.
- When the music stops, have the children freeze with their bodies in an X shape (arms raised at angles and legs spread apart).
- Repeat several times, each time having the children freeze in the X position when the music stops.
More Practice
Identify the target letter
- Mix up the small letter cards and put them in the treasure box.
- Have the children choose a card from the box one at a time.
- Help the children decide whether or not each letter is an uppercase letter X or a lowercase letter x.
- If the letter is an X or an x, place it on the treasure map.
- If the letter is not an X or an x, place it in the discard pile.
- If a child misidentifies a distractor letter as an X or an x, have him or her look at the X and x on the whiteboard and compare them to the letter he or she picked.
Write the target letter
- Help the children write the letter X on a piece of paper.
- Let the children place their paper X on the large letter X that marked the spot for the treasure.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and name the uppercase letter X and the lowercase letter x.
- Treasure map
- Letter cards
- Box
- A treasure or treat
Activity: X Marks the Spot
- Set up a treasure hunt path that passes the letters S, O, and M before reaching the letter X and the treasure box hidden nearby.
- Write the letter X and ask your child to name the letter.
- Explain that you will work together and use a treasure map to follow a path of letters leading to where the letter X marks the spot of the treasure.
- Point out the letters as you pass by them and help your child decide whether or not each letter is an X.
- When your child finds the X that marks the spot, have him or her search nearby to find the treasure box.
- Have your child draw an X in the air with his or her fingers to open the box.
- Open the treasure box and share the treasure or treat inside.
- Help your child write the letter X on a piece of paper then let him/her place the paper on the letter X that marked the spot for the treasure.
- The activity can be repeated several times.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

"X" Marks the Spot