Trace a Face

Recognize words that rhyme with face (e.g., "Do trace and face rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with face.").
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- face
- case
- trace
- place
- space
- Pictures of face parts*
- Face Case label*
- Paper plates
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
The children will trace and place a face and practice saying words that rhyme with face, such as case, space, and place.
Literacy Activities
Trace and place a face in a space
- Put the Face Case label (see below) on a container that has the face parts (see below) inside.
- Have the children trace the paper plate onto the paper in order to make an outline of a face.
- Invite the children to choose a face part from the container labeled Face Case.
- Ask the children if face and case rhyme.
- Have the children place their face part in an empty space of their traced face.
- Allow the children to choose three more face parts to place on their face.
- Tell the children to put glue or tape on the back of each face part and stick them onto the face.
- Help the children make a list of all the words that rhyme with face that they heard throughout the activity (e.g., trace, case, space, place).
More Practice
Produce words that rhyme with face
- Remind the children of the words they played with (e.g., trace, face, case, place, space).
- Tell them you can think of other words that rhyme with face (e.g., chase, base, lace).
- Ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with face (support as needed).
Recognize rhyming words
- Have the children repeat a set of two words (e.g., face, trace).
- Ask the children to put their hands on their face if the words rhyme and to keep their hands down if the words do not rhyme.
- Repeat with other sets of words: (e.g., space, place; race, cow; base, case; vase, door; chase, pace).
- If the children do not respond correctly, repeat the two words, emphasizing the ending sounds of the words.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce words that rhyme face.
- Paper
- Black marker
Activity: Trace a Face
- Draw a large face on a blank piece of paper using a black marker.
- Have your child put a blank piece of paper over the face drawing and hold or tape both pieces against a window so that the face can be seen through the top sheet.
- Allow your child to trace the face onto the top sheet of paper.
- Together think of words that rhyme with face and list them next to or around the traced face.
- The activity can be repeated several times.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Trace a Face