bad kitty tad

Bad Kitty Tad

Bad Kitty Tad
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with bad (e.g., "Do bad and sad rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with bad.").

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • bad
  • mad
  • sad
  • dad
  • glad


  • Bad Kitty Tad target text* 
  • Book: Bad Kitty by Nick Bruel (optional)

*Item included below.

State and Model the Objective
The children will hear a story about a bad kitty named Tad and listen for words that rhyme with bad, such as pad, lad, dad, glad, sad, and mad.

Literacy Activities
Bad Kitty Tad

  • Read the book Bad Kitty by Nick Bruel to the children and have them listen for words that rhyme with bad (optional).
  • Have the children practice making sad, mad, and glad faces.
  • Read the Bad Kitty Tad target text (see below) to the children, having the children make sad, mad, or glad faces at the appropriate times.
  • Read the text to the children again, asking them to raise their hand when they hear a word that rhymes with bad (Brad, Tad, bad, dad, mad, sad, glad).

More Practice
How did they feel? 

  • Ask the children several questions about how different characters felt at specific times in the story (e.g., "How did Brad's dad feel when Tad was bad?" "How did Brad feel when his dad got mad at Tad?"). 
  • Ask the children to listen to the target text again and clap each time they hear a word that rhymes with bad.
  • Have the children turn to the child next to them and make the appropriate face at each other as you say the feelings sad, mad, and glad

Produce words that rhyme with bad 

  • Remind the children of the words they played with (e.g., bad, sad, mad, glad, dad). 
  • Tell them you can think of other words that rhyme with bad (e.g., pad, had, lad). 
  • Give each child a turn to think of a word that rhymes with bad (support as needed). 

Recognize words that rhyme with bad 

  • Have the children repeat a set of two words (e.g., bug, hug).
  • Ask the children to put their thumbs up if the words rhyme and thumbs down if the words do not rhyme.
  • Repeat the activity with other sets of words (e.g., snug, rug; plug, fan; tug, mug; chug, cat; dug, jug).
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SEEL Target Texts

Bad Kitty Tad

This is a story about a boy named Brad.
Brad had a little kitty named Tad.
Sometimes Tad was very bad.
When Tad was bad, Brad's dad got mad!
Dad got mad at Tad.
Brad was sad that Dad got mad.
Tad felt bad that Brad was sad.
Tad wanted to make Brad glad.
So Tad was very nice to dad.
Then Tad, Dad, and Brad were glad!
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SEEL At Home


Recognize and produce words that rhyme with bad.


  • Bad Kitty Tad target text*
  • Mirror (optional)

*Item included below.

Activity: Bad Kitty Tad

  • Practice making sad, mad, and glad faces with your child and point out that sad, mad, and glad rhyme.
  • Read the Bad Kitty Tad target text (see below) to your child, having him or her make sad, mad, or glad faces at the appropriate times.
  • Read the text again and ask your child to raise his or her hand when he or she hears a word that rhymes with bad, such as Brad, Tad, bad, dad, mad, sad, and glad.
  • Repeat pairs of words with your child (e.g., mad, sad; dad, bad; glad, had; pad, tad) and invite your child to show a glad face if the pair of words rhyme or show a sad face if the pair of words do not rhyme.   
  • Have fun together making mad, sad, and glad faces and thinking of words that rhyme with bad.
Bad Kitty Tad
This is a story about a lad named Brad.
Brad had a little kitty named Tad.
Sometimes Tad was very bad.
When Tad was bad, Brad's dad got mad!
Dad got mad at Tad.
Brad was sad that Dad got mad.
Tad felt bad that Brad was sad.
Tad wanted to make Brad glad.
So Tad made Dad glad.
Then Tad, Dad, and Brad were glad!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.