dad is glad
Dad is Glad
Recognize words that rhyme with glad (e.g., "Do glad and dad rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with glad.").
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- dad
- mad
- sad
- glad
- Book: Dad, Aren't You Glad? by Lynne Plourde (optional)
State and Model the Objective
The children will think of things they can do to make their dad glad as they listen for words that rhyme with glad, such lad, tad, pad, dad, and rad.
Literacy Activities
Let's make Dad glad
- Read the book Dad, Aren't You Glad? to the children (optional).
- Ask the children for suggestions of things they could do to make their dad glad (e.g., give him a hug, take out the trash, clean the house, say "I love you").
- Give the children a piece of paper and crayons to draw a picture of what they could do to make their dad glad.
- Staple the pages together with a front cover to make a class book called Dad is Glad.
- Invite the children to follow along as you point to each picture and say, "Dad is glad when I ___", then have the child who drew that picture tell about the action their picture is portraying.
- Point out that dad and glad rhyme and help the children think of other words that rhyme with glad (e.g., sad, mad, had, bad, tad, fad).
How does Dad feel?
- Share the following scenarios and questions with the children, reminding them to listen for words that rhyme with dad:
- Dad lost his sock—would he be sad, mad or glad? How could we help Dad feel glad?
- Dad stubbed his toe—would he be sad, mad or glad? How could we help Dad feel glad?
- Dad got sick—would he be sad, mad or glad? How could we help Dad feel glad?
- Dad got a hug—would he be sad, mad, or glad?
- Ask the children to tell you the words they heard that rhyme with dad (sad, mad, glad).
- Have the children say the phrase sad dad while making the appropriate face then repeat with mad dad and glad dad.
More Practice
Produce words that rhyme with dad
- Have the children sit in a circle and hold their right hand out in front of them.
- Ask a child to think of a word that rhymes with dad (support as needed) and pat the hand of the person next to them.
- Have that child say a word that rhymes with dad, and continue all the way around the circle.
Recognize rhyming words
- Have the children repeat a set of two words (e.g., dad, glad).
- Ask the children to show you a glad face if the words rhyme and a sad face if the words do not rhyme.
- Repeat with other sets of words: (e.g., mad, sad; fad, bad; pad, cow; had, lad; Tad, chum; rad, Brad).
SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce words that rhyme with glad.
- Sheet of paper, cut in fourths
- Stapler
Activity: Dad is Glad (adapt as needed)
- With your child, think of things he or she could do to make Dad glad (e.g., clean my room, say "I love you," do my chores, give him a hug).
- Write an action on each of the pieces of paper and have your child draw a picture of the action on the paper.
- Staple the pieces of paper together to make a book.
- Look at the book together and say, "Dad is glad when I ___" (fill in the blank with the action on the page).
- Point out that dad and glad rhyme and help your child think of other words that rhyme with glad (e.g., sad, mad, had, bad, tad, fad).
- Have your child give the book to his or her dad and say, "Dad, here is a book to make you glad!"
- If desired, have your child actually do one of the actions for his or her dad before giving him the book.
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Dad is Glad