Fake Rake

Recognize words that rhyme with fake (e.g., "Do rake and fake rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with fake.").
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- fake
- rake
- wake
- cake
- lake
- snake
- Picture cards*
- Rake, cake, lake, and snake graphics*
- Real leaves or leaf graphics*
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will make a fake rake as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with fake, such as rake, lake, snake, make, and bake.
Literacy Activities
Wake up a snake by a lake
- Have the children lay out the lake and snake graphics (see below) on a table or floor, then give each child a fake rake graphic (see below).
- Pretend that the fake snakes are napping under real or pretend leaves (see below) by the fake lake.
- Have the children rake up the leaves using a fake rake and pretend to accidentally wake up the snakes.
- When the snakes wake up, tell the children not to rake the snakes, but to let them slither away.
- Help the children remember the words from the activity that rhyme with fake (e.g., rake, lake, snake).
Enjoy a piece of cake by the lake
- Let the children sit by the fake lake to have a bit of real or fake cake.
- Take the real or fake cake and "break" the cake into pieces.
- Let the children take a bit of the real or fake cake.
- Have each child say a word that rhymes with cake, supporting as needed.
- Have the children rake up the bits of cake with a fake rake (or their fingers).
- Shake pieces of fake or real cake into the garbage can (optional).
More Practice
Produce words that rhyme with fake
- Remind the children of the words they played with (e.g., rake, make, wake, snake)
- Ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with rake (support as needed).
Recognize rhyme words using picture cards
- Lay out two pictures that rhyme with lake (e.g., rake, snake) and one picture that does not (e.g., rock).
- State all possible word pairs and help the children identify the picture that does not rhyme.
- Have one of the children use the fake rake (or their fingers) to rake away the picture that does not rhyme with fake.
- Repeat with other sets of pictures:
- lake, rock, cake
- boat, rake, lake
- snake, cake, girl
- cake, bird, rake
Rhyming with fake
- Show the children the graphics of a rake, lake, snake, and cake.
- Explain that the rake, snake, lake and cake are fake and that those words all rhyme with fake. Explain that fake means that they aren't real.
- Say fake followed by one of the rhyming words and have the children repeat the words back to you so they can hear the rhyme.
- Repeat with other words that rhyme with fake.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

Fake Rake