Fake Snake

Recognize words that rhyme with fake (e.g., "Do fake and snake rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with snake.").
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- fake
- make
- wake
- snake
- shake
- Playdough
- Make a Fake Snake target text*
*Item included below.
State and Model the Objective
The children will make a fake snake with playdough and recognize and produce words that rhyme with fake, such as snake, make, take, and bake.
Literacy Activities
Make a fake snake
- Tell the children they will be making fake snakes and demonstrate by rolling a cylinder of playdough into a snake shape.
- Give the children enough playdough to make a fake snake and point out that fake and snake rhyme.
- Invite the children to say the rhyme, "fake snake" while they roll the playdough back and forth.
- Tell the children to shape their snake into a circle and pretend that the snake is asleep.
- Invite the children to say the rhyme, "wake snake" to try to wake up their snake.
- Allow the children to shake their snake as they say the rhyme, "shake snake."
- Help the children recall words they heard in the activity that rhyme with snake, and repeat the rhyming pairs (e.g., fake snake).
More Practice
Read a rhyming text to the children
- Ask the children to listen for words that rhyme with snake as you read the Fake Snake target text (see below).
- Allow the children to repeat predictable phrases (e.g., “fake snake”) with you as you read the text to them again.
- Help the children recall which words in the text rhyme with snake.
- Reread the text and have the children act out the story with their fake playdough snakes.
Produce words that rhyme with snake
- Remind the children of words that rhyme with snake (e.g., fake, make, wake).
- Help the children think of other words that rhyme with snake (support as needed).
Recognize rhyming words
- Have the children repeat a set of two words (e.g., fake, rake).
- Ask the children to shake their hands in the air if the words rhyme and keep their hands still if the words do not rhyme.
- Repeat with other sets of words (e.g., wake, shake; cake, gum; take, bake; lake, sake; flake, truck; make, brake).
SEEL Target Texts
Make a Fake Snake
Shake the fake snake.
Wake up, Fake Snake!
Fake Snake won't wake.
Fake Snake is fake.
SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce words that rhyme with snake.
- Long, thin strips of paper
Activity: Make a Fake Snake
- Help your child make a fake snake by folding a strip of paper back and forth in small segments like an accordion.
- Do actions with your fake snakes together (e.g., shake the snake, wake the snake, take the snake).
- Talk together about the actions you did that rhyme with snake, such as shake, wake, and take.
- Have fun calling out an -ake action word for each other to act out with your snake.
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

Fake Snake