Meet for a Treat

Meet for a Treat
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with sheet (e.g., "Do meet and sheet rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with sheet."). 

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • feet
  • meet
  • seat
  • treat
  • sheet
  • greet


  • A bedsheet
  • Pictures of footprints*
  • Feet Street sign*
  • Chair
  • Real or pretend treats to eat (some sweet, some wheat, if possible)
  • Meet for a Treat target text*

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
The children will meet and eat a treat on a sheet as they practice saying words that rhyme with sheet, such as feet, seat, and greet.

Literacy Activities
Meet and greet at the sheet

  • Tape the Feet Street sign (see below) to the wall on one side of the room and tape the footprints (see below) on the ground in a path to the bedsheet on the opposite side of the room.
  • Invite the children to line up at the Feet Street sign and listen for words that rhyme with treat, like feet, eat, and beat, during the activity.
  • Have the children make a beat by stomping their feet as they follow the footprints on Feet Street.
  • Once the children arrive at the sheet, tell them to meet and greet (say hello to) one another and then ask them if they have ever had to greet a seat.
  • Bring out a seat (chair) and allow the children to meet and greet the seat.
  • Place a treat on the seat and make comments like, "Look at the seat on the sheet! There's a treat on the seat!".
  • Have the children sit in a neat line on the sheet and then give them a sweet, wheat, or other treat.
  • When they finish their treat, help the children recall words that they heard that rhyme with sheet (e.g., feet, street, treat, meet, greet, seat, neat, sweet, wheat).

More Practice
Read a predictable, repetitive target text  

  • Display the Meet for a Treat target text (see below) large enough for children to easily see.
  • Read the text to the children, pointing to each word in left to right sequence.
  • Read the text again and allow the children to shadow read by repeating predictable phrases while you read the text again.
  • Ask the children which words in the text rhyme with treat (support as needed). 

Produce words that rhyme with treat

  • Remind the children of the words they played with (e.g., treat, sheet, street, feet, greet).
  • Ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with treat (support as needed).

Recognize rhyming words

  • Have the children repeat a set of two words such as meet and greet.
  • Ask the children to show you thumbs up if the words rhyme and thumbs down if the words do not rhyme (support as needed).
  • Repeat with other sets of rhyming words (e.g., street, feet; meet, greet; beat, seat; Pete, sweet; street, heat) and non-rhyming words (e.g., beat, man; wheat, jet).
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SEEL Target Texts

Meet For a Treat

Let's meet to share a treat.
Beat your feet on the street to get to a sheet.
Take a seat on the sheet.
Eat a treat.
It's fun to eat a treat on a sheet.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.