sick chick
Sick Chick
Recognize words that rhyme with stick (e.g., "Do stick and chick rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with stick.").
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- sick
- chick
- stick
- pick
- Sick Chick and Not Sick Chick signs
- Chick graphics
- Popsicle sticks
- Can
The children will help sick chicks as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with chick, such as pick, sick, stick, and lick.
Literary Activity
Pick a sick chick
- Tape the Sick Chick and Not Sick Chick signs to opposite sides of the room, and glue the chick pictures to the Popsicle sticks and place them in the can.
- Let a child pick a chick stick from the can while the rest of the children chants, “Pick a chick stick!”
- After the child has chosen, ask, “Is the chick on a stick sick?”
- If the picture shows a sick chick, have the children respond, “Yes, the chick is sick,” and have the children pretend to walk like a sick chick before placing the chick under the Sick Chick sign.
- If the picture shows a chick that is not sick, have the children respond, “No, the chick is not sick,” and have the children pretend to walk like a quick chick before putting the chick stick on the opposite side.
More Practice
Recognize rhyming words
- Help the children say, “The chick on the stick is not sick,” while clapping along with each word in the sentence that rhymes with chick.
- Help the children say, “The chick on the stick is sick,” clapping each time they hear a word that rhymes with chick.
Produce rhyming words
- Make a list of words on the board that the children can remember, and think of other words that rhyme with chick.
- Once the list is complete, encourage the children to repeat the list.
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce words that rhyme with chick.
- Chick graphics
- Popsicle sticks
Activity: Sick Chick
- Have the sick chick on a stick in one hand and the not-sick chick in your other hand, and alternate holding up each chick by the stick.
- Have your child decide if it is the sick chick or the not-sick chick.
- If it is the sick chick, have your child say, “Yes, the chick is sick!” and walk like a sick chick.
- If it is not the not sick chick, have your child say, “No, the chick is not sick!” and walk quick like a chick.
- Switch roles and repeat.
- Help your child say, “The chick on the stick is sick” and “The chick on the stick is not sick” while clapping each time he or she hears a word that rhymes with chick.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Sick Chick