A Rip Strip Pizza

Recognize words that rhyme with rip (e.g., "Do flip and rip rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with rip.").
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- rip
- tip
- snip
- flip
- clip
- drip
- strip
- Tan paper circles to be pizza dough
- Small amounts of red paint in small plastic bags or ketchup packets
- Red, yellow, orange, or green construction paper
- Fork
- Bowl
- Plate
- Make a Rip Strip Pizza target text*
- Flip and Rip to Make Pizza target text*
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will rip strips of paper to make a pizza and will hear and say words that rhyme with rip, such as strip, flip, tip, drip, snip, slip, and clip.
Literacy Activities
Make a Rip Strip Pizza
- Give the children tan paper circles to be pizza dough
- Comment in rhyme as the children make the paper pizza:
- Flip the dough
- Rip, snip, or clip open the sauce packet (red paint or ketchup)
- Tip the sauce packet and drip the sauce in a bowl
- Whip the sauce with or without a little water
- Drip sauce on the pizza dough
- Rip, clip, or snip strips of cheese (orange or yellow paper)
- Rip, snip, or clip strips of pepper (red, green, or orange paper)
- Slip the strips of pepper and cheese from a plate onto the pizza
- Snip or clip or rip the pizza into strips
- Slip strips of pizza onto a plate and pretend to eat.
Chant about making a pizza
- Have the children repeat a chant with gestures to go with the steps in making a paper pizza:
- Flip, flip, flip the dough!
- Clip the tip! Snip the tip! Clip and snip the tip of the sauce packet!
- Tip and drip, drip, drip. Tip and drip
- Rip, rip, rip a strip. Rip strips of pepper
- Rip, rip or snip a strip. Rip or snip strips of cheese
Recall and produce words that rhyme
- Remind the children of the words that rhyme with rip (e.g., strip, flip, snip, clip, tip, drip, rip, dip).
- Ask the children to think of a word that rhymes with rip and give suggestions if needed
- Ask the children if two words rhyme (e.g., tip and dip?; rip and snip?; flip and drip?; dip and table?) and give support if needed.
Blend sounds into words
- Ask the children what word you are saying when you give the beginning consonant/s and the ip ending (e.g., What am I saying? r + ip = rip).
- Repeat with strip, snip, dip, clip, drip, tip, whip, slip.
Read rhyme texts to the children
- Read the text Make a Rip Strip Pizza (see below) to the children, pointing to the words in left-to-right sequence (see below).
- Read the text Flip and Rip to Make Pizza (see below) to the children
- Comment on the words that rhyme in the texts
SEEL Target Texts
Make a Rip Strip Pizza

Clip and snip the tip of the sauce packet.
Tip and drip the sauce.
Rip strips of pepper.
Slip the strip of pepper onto the pizza.
Rip or snip strips of cheese.
Slip the strips of cheese onto the pizza.
Slip a slice of pizza onto your plate.
Flip and Rip to Make Pizza
Flip. Flip. Flip
Clip and snip a sauce packet.
Clip and snip
Tip and drip the sauce
Tip and drip
Rip or snip strips of pepper.
Rip or snip
Rip or clip strips of cheese.
Slip the strips of pepper and cheese onto the pizza.
Rip or clip the pizza into strips.
Slip a strip of pizza onto a plate.
Slip a strip of pizza into your mouth.
SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce words that rhyme with rip.
- Brown paper circle
- Paper square
- Orange, yellow, and green paper
- Rip Strip Pizza Instructions (see below)
- Glue
Activity: A Rip Strip Pizza
- Read the instructions for making Rip Strip Pizza (see below) to your child.
- Pick two words from each step (varying between rhyming and non-rhyming pairs), and ask your child if the words rhyme.
- Do each step of the recipe after you read it, and emphasize the action words that rhyme with rip as you do them (e.g.; “Drip, drip, drip the sauce. Rip, rip, rip the strip.”).
- Have your child glue the pizza ingredients to the paper circle as he or she puts them on.
- Help your child recall the words he or she heard during the activity that rhyme with rip.
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

A Rip Strip Pizza