Dip the Chip

Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with dip (e.g., "Do dip and chip rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with dip.”). 

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • dip
  • sip
  • rip
  • chip
  • lip 


  • Chips (real or pretend) 
  • Dip (real or pretend)
  • Bowls
  • Cups

The children will eat (or pretend to eat) a chip with dip as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with chip, such as dip, tip, lip, and sip

Literacy Activities

  • Pass out chips, dip, and water (real or pretend). 
  • Give the children instructions and a demonstration on how to eat chips and dip: 
    • Grip your chip. 
    • Dip the tip of your chip. 
    • Let some dip drip off the chip. 
    • Put the chip to your lip. 
    • Eat the chip. 
    • Take a sip. 
    • Lick your lip.

More Practice

  • Ask the children what they did during the activity (e.g., “I ate a chip with dip.”) while you write the sentences on the board. 
  • Read the sentences back to the children, emphasizing each rhyming word. 
  • Choose one sentence, and march around a table chanting it together (e.g., Dip the chip! or Dip and sip!). 
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SEEL At Home


Recognize and produce words that rhyme with chip


  • Two small cups (with or without water)
  • Chips and dip (real or pretend) 

Activity: Dip and Sip

  • Read and follow these instructions for how to eat chips and dip with your child:
    • Grip your chip.
    • Dip the tip of your chip.
    • Let some dip drip off the chip.
    • Put the chip to your lip.
    • Eat the chip.
    • Take a sip.
    • Lick your lip.
  • Have your child repeat back to you how to eat chips and dip on his or her own, using words that rhyme with chip. 
  • Eat real or pretend chips and dip, making sure to say phrases like, “Let’s dip our chips!” and “Now take a sip.” 
  • After all the chips have been eaten, ask your child if he or she can remember any words that rhyme with chip, and write the words on a piece of paper. 
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
