explore for a chore

Explore for a Chore

Explore for a Chore
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with chore (e.g., "Do chore and more rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with chore."). 

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • chore
  • floor
  • store
  • more
  • explore


  • Props for doing different chores (i.e., broom, trash can, watering can, etc.)
  • Book: Mylo Does Chores by Jeff Bernat (optional)
  • Chore chart (see below)

State and model the objective
Tell the children that they will explore to see if they can find a chore and hear and say words that rhyme with chore, (such as bore, floor, door, store, more and explore). 

Practice the skill within an activity   

Explore for a chore

  • Set up the classroom like a house that needs cleaning (e.g., a floor that needs sweeping and mopping, a drawer that needs to be wiped down, plants that need to be watered, something you tore that must be mended, etc.).
  • Read the book Mylo Does Chores to the children (optional) and discuss what kinds of chores the children do at home and at school.
  • Divide the children into groups and show them a chore chart (see below) as you explain each chore that needs to be done.
  • Assign each group to do a different chore by saying, "For your chore, would you..."
    • Pour water on the plants?
    • Pretend to go to the store for more paint for the door? (Remind them that they will only be pretending to paint the door!)
    • Wipe down the drawer?
    • Sweep the floor some more?
  • Encourage the children to explore until they find their group's chore and then do it.
  • When the children have done their chores, invite them to come sit on the floor.
  • Ask the children to share words they heard in the activity that rhyme with chore (e.g., pour, store, door, drawer, floor, more)

Apply the skill

Practice rhyming 

  • Produce words that rhyme with chore 
    • Remind the children of the words they played with (chore, pour, store, door, floor). 
    • Tell them you can think of other words that rhyme with chore (sore, bore, tore, explore). 
    • Ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with chore. 
    • If a child doesn't respond in a few seconds, give him/her an option: 
      • "How about explore?"  Does explore rhyme with chore?" (Nod your head yes to let the child know that they rhyme). 
      • "Do floor and chore rhyme?" (Nod your head yes). 
  • Recognize rhyming words 
    • Have the children repeat a set of 2 words (e.g. bore, door). 
    • Ask the children to put their thumbs up if the words rhyme and thumbs down if the words do not rhyme. 
    • Repeat with other sets of words: (e.g., sore, tore; pour, cat; chore, explore; door, more; store, goat; roar, chair). 
    • If children do not respond correctly, repeat the 2 words, emphasizing the ending sounds of the words. 

Practice blending and segmenting sounds in words 

  • March and say the sounds in words 
    • Tell the children that they will practice saying words that rhyme with chore in fun ways. 
    • Have the children march and say the beginning and ending sound of the word chore: 
      • Segment sounds: say /ch/ (march right), say /ore/ (march left)
      • Blend sounds: jump with both feet and say chore to blend the sounds into a word
      • Repeat with other words that rhyme with chore (e.g. bore, pour, store, four, floor, door, core, etc.)
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SEEL At Home


Recognize words that rhyme with chore (e.g., "Do chore and more rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with chore."). 


  • Tools needed to do chores (e.g., broom, mop, washcloth, watering can)
  • An apple core (optional)
  • A piece of paper, folded in fourths
  • A pencil or crayon

Activity: Explore for a Chore

  • Explore the house with your child, looking for chores to do that have a word that rhymes with chore (i.e., sweep the floor, wipe the drawer, pour water on the plants, fix something that tore, throw away an apple core, etc.).
  • Each time you find a chore, invite your child to draw a picture of the chore in one of the fourths of the paper.
  • When you have found at least four chores, ask your child to pick one of the chores and then have fun doing it with him or her.
  • Have your child put a checkmark next to the drawing of the chore when the chore is done.
  • When all the chores are done, look at the pictures together and take turns naming the chores using words that rhyme with chore.
  • The activity can be repeated as often as desired.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
