Stuff the Cuff

Recognize words that rhyme with stuff (e.g., "Do stuff and cuff rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with stuff.").
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- stuff
- cuff
- fluff
- enough
- tough
- A piece of clothing with cuffs
- Paper clips for creating cuffs
- Stuff to fluff (e.g., cotton balls, dryer fuzz, ripped up tissues)
- Rough stuff (e.g., sandpaper, nail files, rough corrugated cardboard)
- A container, envelope, small box, or tin to hold stuff that rhymes with –uff.
State and model the objective
Tell the children that they will stuff a cuff and hear and say words that rhyme with stuff (such as cuff, fluff, enough, and tough).
Practice the skill within an activity
Stuff the Cuff
- Put on a piece of clothing with cuffs and show the children how to stuff the cuffs full of fluffy stuff (e.g., cotton balls, dryer fuzz, ripped up tissues).
- Help the children create a "cuff" on a pant leg or sleeve by folding it up and paper clipping it in place.
- Allow the children to play with the fluffy stuff and stuff it in their cuffs.
- Encourage the children to play with phrases using different –uff words (i.e., "Fluff the stuff." "Put it in your cuff." "That's enough stuff.")
- Have the children stuff “rough stuff” (e.g., sandpaper, nail files, rough corrugated cardboard) in their cuffs until the cuffs are full, then say "That's enough rough stuff in the cuff!"
- Invite the children to stuff the fluffy stuff and the rough stuff in other things that can hold stuff (i.e., envelope, small box or tin).
- Ask the children which words they heard in the activity that rhyme with stuff.
Apply the skill
Practice rhyming
- Produce words that rhyme with stuff
- Remind the children of the words they played with (stuff, cuff, rough).
- Tell them you can think of other words that rhyme with stuff (enough, tough).
- Ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with stuff.
- If a child doesn't respond in a few seconds, give him/her an option:
- "How about cuff? Does cuff rhyme with stuff?" (Nod your head yes to let the child know that they rhyme)
- "Does enough and tough rhyme?" (Nod your head yes)
- Recognize rhyming words
- Have the children repeat a set of 2 words (e.g. stuff, cuff).
- Ask the children to put their thumbs up if the words rhyme and their thumbs down if the words do not rhyme.
- Repeat with other sets of words: (e.g., tough, zebra; fluff, cuff; enough, cookie; buff, rough; huff, roar).
- If children do not respond correctly, repeat the 2 words, emphasizing the ending sounds of the words.
Practice blending and segmenting sounds in words
- Tap out sounds in words
- Have children blend individual sounds into words by tapping their head (beginning), and toes (end) then clap to say the whole word (e.g. /st/ tap head, /uff/ tap toes = stuff clap hands)
- /t/ /uff/ = tuff
- /c/ /uff/ = cuff
- /st/ /uff/ = stuff
- Have children blend individual sounds into words by tapping their head (beginning), and toes (end) then clap to say the whole word (e.g. /st/ tap head, /uff/ tap toes = stuff clap hands)
SEEL At Home
Recognize words that rhyme with stuff (e.g., "Do stuff and cuff rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with stuff.").
- Clothing with cuffs either built in or created by folding up material and securing with a paper clip
- Fluffy stuff (e.g., cotton balls, dryer fuzz, ripped up tissues, etc.)
- Rough stuff (e.g., sand paper, corrugated paper, etc.)
Activity: Stuff the Cuff
- Have you or your child put on a shirt with cuffs.
- Take turns stuffing the fluffy stuff and rough stuff into the cuffs and saying words that rhyme with stuff.
- Play with phrases using different –uff words, as you stuff your cuffs (e.g., Stuff some fluffy stuff in the cuff. Fluff the stuff that’s in the cuff. It’s tough to stuff this fluff. That’s enough fluffy stuff.)
- Have your child say, "That’s enough!" when he or she is done stuffing the cuffs.
- Repeat the activity as desired.
- Ask your child which words he or she heard in the activity that rhyme with stuff.
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Stuff the Cuff