Make Cake
Rhyme, blend, and segment words that end in ake.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- cake
- make
- take
- bake
- rake
- shake
- Cardboard box
- Large spoon
- Bowl
- Cake pan
- Picture of a cake*
- Picture cards*
*Items included below.
State the Objective
Tell the children that they will make a cake and that they will play with words that rhyme with cake, such as make, take, bake, rake, and shake.
Literacy Activities
Make a cake
- Tell the children that they’ll be making a pretend cake together.
- Invite the children to repeat what you say as you pretend to make a cake.
Say: | Do: |
Make, make, make cake! | Show the children a picture of a cake (see below) and then hide it inside the pretend oven (cardboard box). |
Take! Take! Take to make a cake! | Have the children take out a bowl, a spoon, and the cake ingredient picture cards (see below). |
Break, break, break some eggs. | Show the children the egg picture cards (see below) and pretend to break them into the bowl. |
Take! Shake! Take and shake. | Let the children shake the pretend ingredients (flour, milk, and water) into the bowl. |
Make, make, make cake! | Let the children stir the pretend batter and pour or shake it into a cake pan. |
Bake, bake, bake cake. Bake! Bake! Bake cake! | Put the cake pan in the pretend oven. Wait a minute while the cake “bakes.” |
Cake! Cake! | Take the picture of a cake out of the pretend oven. |
Break, break, break the cake! | Break or cut the cake for the children. |
Take cake! Take the cake! | Give each child a piece of cake. |
Mmmm! Cake! Cake! Cake! | Pretend to eat the cake. |
Rake, rake, rake cake! | Have the children pretend to use their fingers to rake up crumbs. |
Play a rhyming game
- Remind the children of words that rhyme with cake (e.g., make, bake, take).
- Lay out two picture cards (see below) that rhyme with cake (e.g., rake and lake) and one picture card that does not rhyme (e.g., cat, ball).
- Read the words and help the children decide which two words rhyme.
List steps to make a cake
- List words that rhyme with cake (e.g., make, take, bake, rake, shake).
- List the steps involved in making a cake and have the children clap each time they hear a word that rhymes with cake.
- Take the cake ingredients.
- Shake in the ingredients.
- Mix to make the cake.
- Shake the cake into a cake pan.
- Bake the cake.
- Take the cake out.
- Eat the cake.
- Rake up the cake.
Produce rhyme words
- List -ake rhyme words and point out the -ake endings.
- Remind the children of words that rhyme with cake (e.g., rake, make, bake).
- Ask the children to think of words that rhyme with cake and give suggestions (e.g., “how about make?).
Blend and segment rhyme words
- Have the children segment and blend the word cake.
- Segment the word cake by clapping once for each sound and then for the whole word (e.g., c + ā + k : cake).
- Repeat with other words that rhyme with cake (e.g., take, bake, lake, wake).
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SEEL At Home
Recognize and produce words that rhyme with cake.
- Bowl
- Spoon
- Cake pan
- Picture cards*
*Items included above.
Activity: Make Cake
- Make a cake using ingredient picture cards (see above).
- As you make the cake, use words that rhyme with make.
- Take out the ingredients.
- Break the eggs.
- Shake the ingredients.
- Make the cake by combining ingredients.
- Bake the cake in the oven.
- Pretend to eat cake together.
- List words that rhyme with cake and comment on words that rhyme (e.g., cake and bake rhyme).
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Make Cake