a trail for a snail

A Trail for a Snail

A Trail for a Snail
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with snail (e.g., "Do trail and snail rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with snail.").

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • mail
  • pail
  • sale
  • gale
  • snail
  • trail


  • Pail (or small bucket)
  • Rhyming/non-rhyming picture cards*
  • A Trail for a Snail target text*

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will pretend to follow a snail trail as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with snail, such as hail, whale, mail, and shale.

Literacy Activities
A trail for a snail

  • Make a trail on the ground using masking tape or string and place the rhyming and non-rhyming picture cards (see below) face down along the trail.
  • Let a child be a snail to lead the other children along the snail's trail.
  • Explain that there is mail along the trail and that they need to find the mail that rhymes with snail.
  • When the lead child comes to a picture card, have him or her pick it up and show it to the other children. 
    • If the picture rhymes with snail, have the child put it in the pail.
    • If it doesn't rhyme, leave it on the trail.
  • Have the next child in line become the leader and look for mail on the trail to put in the pail.
  • Repeat to give as many children as possible the opportunity to find mail on the snail's trail.
  • Help the children review the words they found that rhyme with snail from the activity.

Read a text with words that rhyme with snail

  • Display the A Trail for a Snail target text (see below) large enough for children to see.
  • Read the text to the children, pointing to each word in left to right sequence.
  • Invite the children to repeat predictable phrases while you read the text again.
  • Help the children identify which words in the text rhyme with snail.

Produce words that rhyme with snail

  • Remind the children of the words they played with (e.g., snail, trail, whale).
  • Ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with snail (support as needed).

Recognize rhyming words 

  • Have the children repeat a set of two words (e.g., snail, mail).
  • Ask the children to show you a thumbs up if the words rhyme and a thumbs down if the words do not rhyme.
  • Repeat with other sets of words (e.g., hail, stale; trail, pail; tail, dog; sail, quail; dale, corn; fail, rail).
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SEEL Target Texts

A Trail for a Snail

Look, a trail. 
It's a trail for a snail.
Come, snail. 
Get your pail!
Let's go on the trail.
On the trail, the snail finds mail.
He finds lots of mail.
He puts the mail in his pail.
The pail gets full of mail.
The pail gets full of mail for the snail.
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and produce words that rhyme with snail.


  • Masking tape or string
  • Picture cards (see below)
  • A Trail for Snail target text (see below)

Activity: A Trail for a Snail

  • Lay out string or tape to make a snail trail and put the picture cards along the trail face up. 
  • With your child, pretend to be a snail and identify the pictures along the trail, only stepping on pictures of things that rhyme with snail.
  • When you get to the end of the snail trail, read the A Trail for Snail target text to your child, emphasizing the words that rhyme with snail as you go along.
  • Reread the text and have your child clap when you say a word that rhymes with snail


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
