plan to make a fan

Plan to Make a Fan

Plan to Make a Fan
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with fan (e.g., "Do plan and fan rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with fan."). 

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • can
  • fan
  • man
  • ran
  • plan


  • Picture cards 
  • Plan to Make a Fan target text 

The children will hear a story about how to follow a plan to make a fan as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with fan, such as can, man, ran, and plan.

Literacy Activities
Plan to Make a Fan

  • Ask the children to listen for words that rhyme with fan as you read the Plan to Make a Fan target text aloud.
  • Read the instruction part of the text to the children again, demonstrating how to make a fan.
  • Guide the children through the steps as they make their own fans (support as needed).
  • Read the whole text again, inviting the children to act it out with you.

Fan the Man

  • Make sure each child has a fan and a picture of a man.
  • Tell the children to put the picture of a man in front of them.
  • Have the children fan the picture and say, "Fan man, fan man!"
  • Give the children different variations on how to fan (e.g., fan the man fast, slow, high, low). 

More Practice
Read a target text

  • Display the target text Plan to Make a Fan large enough for children to easily see.
  • Read the text to the children, pointing to each word in left to right sequence.
  • Ask the children to join in repeating predictable phrases while you read the text again. 
  • Ask the children which words in the text rhyme with fan.

Produce words that rhyme with fan

  • Remind the children of the words they played with (fan, man, plan).
  • Ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with fan

Recognize rhyming words

  • Have the children repeat a set of two words (e.g., fan, man).
  • Ask the children to show you thumbs u pif the words rhyme and thumbs down if the words do not rhyme (support as needed).
  • Repeat with other sets of words (e.g., can, Dan; ban, pan; ran, cow; plan, tan; van, star).
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SEEL Target Texts

Plan to Make a Fan

I am hot because I ran. 
I ran and ran and ran.
I need a fan!
I want to make a fan, but I need a plan.  
I will find a plan to make a fan. 
There is a man who has a plan to make a fan.
Here is the plan to make a fan:
1. Get paper.
2. Fold the paper over and under.
3. Pinch the fan at the bottom.
4. Staple the fan at the bottom.
5. Spread out the top of the fan.
That was a great plan!
Now you can make a fan.
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and produce words that rhyme with fan.


  • Paper
  • Stapler (or tape)
  • Plan to Make a Fan text  

Activity: Plan to Make a Fan

  • Read the Plan to Make a Fan text to your child, emphasizing words that rhyme with fan.
  • Follow the plan to make a fan in the story so you and your child each have a fan.
  • Wave your fans as you take turns saying words that rhyme with fan: man, ran, plan.
  • Read the text again and create actions to correspond with the story. 
  • Invite friends or family members (or stuffed animals) to watch while you read the Plan to Make a Fan text aloud and your child performs the corresponding actions.


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.