stash the trash

Stash the Trash

Stash the Trash
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with trash (e.g., "Do stash and trash rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with trash.").

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • bash
  • dash
  • stash
  • trash
  • clash
  • smash


  • Crumpled newspaper pieces
  • Empty trash can
  • Stash, Stash, Stash Trash chant*
  • Bash and Smash text*

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective

Tell the children that they will stash and smash trash as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with trash, such as bash, dash, splash, and smash.

Literacy Activities
Stash the trash

  • Spread trash (e.g., crumpled paper) across the floor and have the children dash around to smash and stash trash as you highlight the words that rhyme (e.g., trash, smash, stash, clash, bash, dash).
  • Have the children march in place to the Stash, Stash, Stash Trash chant (see below).
  • Sing the song and march around as everyone cleans up the trash.

Bash trash and make a splash

  • Show paper cups or water bottles with a little water inside.
  • Pretend to sip some water, then comment on how the cups or bottles are ready to go in the trash.
  • Bash or smash the cups or bottles over a trash can to make a splash.
  • Read the text Bash and Smash to and then with the children.

More Practice

Recognize rhyming words 

  • Repeat a set of two words (e.g., stash, trash).
  • Ask the children to show thumbs up if the words rhyme and thumbs down if the words do not rhyme.
  • Repeat with other sets of words (e.g., dash, smash; gash, cash; rash, cat; hash, sash; lash, splash; crash, truck; mash, clash). 

Produce words that rhyme with trash

  • Ask the children to think of a word that rhymes with trash with support (e.g., “Think of a word that rhymes with trash.  How about dash? Do dash and trash rhyme?”).
  • When a child thinks of a rhyming word, give them a piece of crumpled paper to smash in the trash.

Practice blending sounds in words

  • Have the children clap when they say the beginning consonant or blend and rhyme ending, and then say the whole word blended together. 
  • For example, say tr” (clap), “ash” (clap) = “trash” (clap).
    • b + ash = bash
    • d + ash = dash
    • s + ash = sash
    • m + ash= mash
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SEEL Target Texts

Stash, Stash, Stash the Trash

Stash, stash, stash the trash.
Stash, stash, stash the trash.
Stash, stash, stash the trash in the trash.
Smash, smash, smash the trash.
Smash, smash, smash the trash.
Smash, smash, smash the trash in the trash.
Bash, bash, bash the trash.
Bash, bash, bash the trash.
Bash, bash, bash the trash in the trash.
Stash, smash, and bash the trash in the trash can. 

Stash Trash in the Trash Can

Dash about to pick up the trash.
Then stash the trash in the trash can.
And smash the trash down in the trash can.
Stash then smash the trash in the trash can.
Stash and smash the trash, then dash to pick up more trash!

Bash and Smash

We have some cans and cups and bottles.
Smash and bash the cans. 
The cans clash and crash together!
Oops! Splash! Water splashes out!
Now we’ll throw them in the trash.
Smash and bash the cups.
The cups clash and crash together!
Oops! Splash! Water splashes out!
Smash and bash the water bottles.
The bottles clash and crash together!
Oops! Splash! Water splashes out!
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SEEL At Home


Recognize and produce words that rhyme with trash.


  • Empty trash can 
  • Crumpled pieces of paper
  • Stash Trash in the Trash Can chant 

Activity: Stash the Trash

  • Spread crumpled pieces of paper around the room.
  • Say, "Oh no! There is trash all over! Help me stash the trash in the trash can?" 
  • Sing the Stash Trash in the Trash Can song with your child as you march around picking up the trash.
  • Think of other words that rhyme with trash (e.g., bash, crash, clash, mash).
  • Each time you think of a new word, say, for example "bash! bash the trash! Bash and trash rhyme"
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.