the trash goes crash

The Trash Goes Crash

The Trash Goes Crash
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with trash (e.g., "Do trash and crash rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with trash.").

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • trash
  • bash
  • crash
  • clash
  • smash


  • Plastic grocery bags
  • Aluminum pie pans
  • Books about trash, recycling, or cleaning up a messy room (optional)
  • Crash the Trash target text (see below)*

*Item included below.

State and Model the Objective 
Tell the children that they will make trash crash as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with trash, such as crash, bash, clash, and smash.

Literacy Activities

  • Spread the trash (aluminum pie tins) around the activity area.
  • Give each child a plastic grocery bag, and ask them to gather up the trash and put it in their bag.
  • Encourage the children to say, "Crash, clash, bash!” as the trash crashes in their trash bags.
  • Once all the trash is stashed in bags, lead the children in the following:
    • Smash the trash up high.
    • Let the trash crash down low.
    • Bash the trash fast.
    • Smash the trash slow.
    • Clash their trash against a neighbor’s trash.
  • Encourage the children to say words that rhyme with trash, such as smash, crash, and bash as they smash the trash together.

More Practice
Recognize target words in a text

  • Display the Clash the Trash target text (see below) large enough for children to see.
  • Encourage the children to smash and crash their trash each time they hear a word that rhymes with trash (support as needed).

Review the rhyme words

  • Remind the children of the words they have heard that rhyme with trash (e.g., smash, bash, clash).
  • Say the words again, and allow the children to smash their trash together as they say the rhyming words back to you.
  • Ask the children to think of a word that rhymes with trash to say out loud (support as needed).
  • Allow the other children to repeat back the word as they smash their trash.
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SEEL Target Texts

Clash the Trash!

Clash! Clash!
Some trash goes ‘clash!’
Crash! Crash!
Some trash goes ‘crash!’
Some trash goes ‘crash’ and ‘clash’ when you bash it together.
Can you make trash go ‘clash?’
Can you make it crash? Can you bash it together?
Bash the trash to make it go ‘crash’ and ‘clash!’
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SEEL At Home


Recognize and produce words that rhyme with trash.


  • Plastic grocery bag
  • Aluminum pie pans 

Activity: The Trash Goes Crash

  • Have your child put the trash (aluminum pie pans) in a grocery bag.
  • Invite your child to smash and bash the trash to make it crash and clash, then make the trash crash fast, slow, high, and low.
  • Throughout the activity, encourage your child to use words that rhyme with trash by asking questions such as, “What did you do to the trash? What sound did the trash make?”
  • Encourage your child to smash the trash when they hear a word that rhymes with trash, then say some words that rhyme with trash and some that don't.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.