Sweet Treat
Target text


Recognize and produce words that rhyme with treat.

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • eat
  • feet
  • seat
  • neat
  • treat
  • sweet


  • Treats

State the Objective

Tell the children that they will enjoy a sweet treat and that they will recognize and produce words that rhyme with treat, such as eat, seat, feet, neat, and sweet.

Literacy Activities

Eat a sweet treat

  • Have the children stand.
  • Tell the children to take a seat if they want a treat.
  • Have the children say, “I will eat a sweet treat!”
  • Give the children sweet treats.
  • While the children eat, talk about the activity using words that rhyme with treat.
    • What kind of sweet treat is your favorite to eat?
    • Be neat while you eat your sweet treat.
    • Don't let the sweet treat fall on your feet!

Treat guessing game

  • Let the children draw a picture of their favorite treat.
  • Have the children turn their pictures facedown, so you can guess their favorite treat.
  • Use words that rhyme with treat as you try to guess the children's favorite treats.
    • Is your favorite treat made with meat?
    • Is your favorite treat made with wheat?
    • Is your favorite treat something sweet?
  • Have the child say, "The treat that I love to eat is ____."

Take a seat

  • Tell the children to take a seat if they hear a word that rhymes with treat and stand if the word doesn’t rhyme with treat.
  • List some words that rhyme with treat (e.g., eat, seat, feet, neat, sweet) and some that don’t (e.g., cat, snack, pin, frog).
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