Little Bo Peep and Her Lost Sheep

Little Bo Peep and Her Lost Sheep

Little Bo Peep and Her Lost Sheep
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with sheep (e.g., "Do peep and sheep rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with sheep.").

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • peep
  • sheep
  • sleep
  • creep 


  • Four headbands
  • Cotton balls
  • Bow  

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will help Little Bo Peep find her lost sheep as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with sheep, such as peep, creep, and sleep
Literacy Activities

  • Glue cotton balls to three of the headbands and a bow to the fourth headband.
  • Choose one child to act as Little Bo Peep and give that child the headband with the bow.
  • Pick three children to act as sheep and give them the headbands with the cotton balls.
  • Tell the following Little Bo Peep story while the children help enact it:
Say  Suggested Action 
Did you hear how Little Bo Peep lost all her sheep?  Have the children shake their heads and ask “How did Little Bo Peep lose her sheep?”
She fell into a deep sleep.  Have Little Bo Peep lay down to sleep. 
One by one those sneaky sheep...  Have the sheep start to sneak away one by one. 
without making a peep...  Put your finger to your mouth and say, "Shh" with the children. 
on their tiptoes, went creep, creep, creep...  Have the sheep tiptoe a few steps while all the children whisper, “Creep, creep, creep.” 
around Little Bo Peep, who was fast asleep.  Have the sheep move around Little Bo Peep and go hide.   
When Little Bo Peep woke up, she began to weep.  Have Little Bo Peep wake up and pretend to cry. 
Poor Little Bo Peep. Let’s find her sheep.  Have all the other children look for the sheep and bring them back to Little Bo Peep. 

Identify target words in a text 

  • Read the Little Bo Peep story again, this time without the children enacting it, and emphasize the words that rhyme with sheep.
  • Help the children touch their nose and say "beep" each time they hear a word that rhymes with sheep (support as needed). 

Produce words that rhyme with sheep

  • Have the children pretend to be sheep that people count when they are trying to fall asleep.
  • Help each child think of a word that rhymes with sheep before they leap past you (support as needed).
  • Count each child as they leap and say a word that rhymes with sheep.
  • See how many sheep/words you can count together.
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SEEL At Home



Recognize and produce words that rhyme with sheep.



  • Sheep graphic 


Activity: Little Bo Peep’s Sheep 

  • Play “Find the Lost Sheep” with your child and as many family members who wish to join. 
    • Have everyone else leave the room and then hide the sheep picture (see below). 
    • Let everyone re-enter the room and search for the hidden sheep. 
    • While they search, have everyone chant, “Creep, creep! Find the sheep!” 
    • Repeat the activity as many times as desired by taking turns hiding the sheep for the others.  
  • Sit down together and pass one of the sheep around the circle as everyone gets a chance to say a word that rhymes with sheep (support as needed).


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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.