Yell for the Bell

Yell for the Bell

Yell for the Bell
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with yell (e.g., “Do yell and bell rhyme?”) and produce rhyme words (e.g., “Think of a word that rhymes with yell.”)

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • gel
  • bell
  • yell
  • sell
  • tell
  • well


  • Bell or bell graphic* 
  • Blindfold

*Item included below.

State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will yell and search for a bell as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with yell, such as bell, fell, sell, and well

Literacy Activities
Tell, tell, who has the bell?

  • While sitting in a circle, choose one child to blindfolded and stand in the middle of the circle.
  • Give the bell or bell graphic (see below) to a different child, let them ring the bell, then hide it under his or her legs.  
  • When the child in the middle hears the bell, un-blindfold him or her while all the other children yell (chant) together, “Tell, tell, who has the bell?” 
  • Let the child in the middle guess who has the bell based on where he or she heard the sound. 
  • Once the bell is found, have everyone yell, “You found the bell. All is well!” 
  • Repeat the game, changing who is blindfolded and who has the bell. 

Pass the bell and tell a rhyme

  • Help the children think of several words that rhyme with bell, such as gel, tell, smell, sell, and well.
  • Have the children sit in a circle and tell them that they can ring the bell after they tell you a word that rhymes with bell.
  • Pick a child to start the game, and invite the children to say, “Tell, tell, what rhymes with bell?”
  • Help the child who has the bell think of a rhyming word to say, then let him or her ring the bell.
  • Continue around the circle, helping each child to think of a word that rhymes with bell


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SEEL At Home



Recognize and produce words that rhyme with yell.



  • Bell
  • Picture cards*

*Items included below

Activity: Bell Memory Game

  • Lay out the picture cards on a flat surface. 
  • Help your child identify all of the picture cards before beginning to play the Bell Memory Game.
  • Mix up the picture cards and lay them face down in columns and rows. 
  • Take turns turning two cards over to see if they match. 
  • When you find a match, yell, “I found a matching ___ (e.g., bell)!” and let your child ring a bell (or make a bell ring on your cell phone).
  • When all the matches have been found, play the game again but take turns thinking of a new word that rhymes with bell each time you turn over a card.

Picture Cards

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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.