goodnight teddy bear

Goodnight Teddy Bear

Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with light (e.g., "Do light and sight rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with light.").

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • polite
  • sprite
  • kite
  • bite
  • light


  • Teddy Bear chant

The children will learn the Teddy Bear chant as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with light, such as polite, kite, bite, and sprite.
Literacy Activity

  • Do the Teddy Bear chant using the chart below, and have the children follow along. 
  • Repeat the chant until the children can do it with you. 

Teddy Bear Chant:
Sung to the tune of "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around"

Say: Suggested Action:

Teddy bear, teddy bear is polite.

Fold your hands in your lap.
Teddy bear, teddy bear takes a bite. Pretend to take a bite of an imaginary sandwich.
Teddy bear, teddy bear drinks his Sprite. Pretend to drink from a soda can.
Teddy bear, teddy bear does not fight. Shake your finger.
Teddy bear, teddy bear likes to write. Pretend to write on your hand.
Teddy bear, teddy bear flies his kite. Pretend to fly a kite.
Teddy bear, teddy bear turns out the light. Pretend to reach up and flip off a light switch.
Teddy bear, teddy bear's tucked in tight. Pretend to pull the blankets up to your chin.
Teddy bear, teddy bear says "good night."  Put your hand together and put them next to your face like you're sleeping.

More Practice

  • Ask the children questions about the Teddy Bear chant, and have them answer by repeating the rhyming word three times (give assistance when needed). 
    • How does Teddy Bear like to get tucked in? Tight, tight, tight! 
    • Repeat as many times as desired with other review questions from the chant, reminding the children that their answer should rhyme with tight
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SEEL At Home


Recognize and produce words that rhyme with light


  • Teddy Bear chant 
  • Teddy bear or other stuffed animal 

Activity: Teddy Bear 

  • Say the Teddy Bear chant with your child, and do the suggested actions. 
  • Repeat the chant, but this time, have your child use his or her teddy bear to act out the actions. 
  • Have your child tell you all the words that rhyme with light from the chant. 
  • Ask if they can think of any other words that rhyme with light (e.g., white, might, sight, right). Give assistance when needed.
Say: Suggested Action:

Teddy bear, teddy bear is polite.

Fold your hands in your lap.
Teddy bear, teddy bear takes a bite. Pretend to take a bite of an imaginary sandwich.
Teddy bear, teddy bear drinks his Sprite. Pretend to drink from a soda can.
Teddy bear, teddy bear does not fight. Shake your finger.
Teddy bear, teddy bear likes to write. Pretend to write on your hand.
Teddy bear, teddy bear flies his kite. Pretend to fly a kite.
Teddy bear, teddy bear turns out the light. Pretend to reach up and flip off a light switch.
Teddy bear, teddy bear's tucked in tight. Pretend to pull the blankets up to your chin.
Teddy bear, teddy bear says "good night."  Put your hand together and put them next to your face like you're sleeping.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.