swirl and twirl

Swirl and Twirl

Swirl and Twirl
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with curl (e.g., "Do girl and curl rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with curl."). 

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • curl
  • swirl
  • twirl
  • whirl
  • girl


  • Curled ribbon1 for each child

State and model the objective
Tell the children that they will twirl and whirl a curl and hear and say words that rhyme with curlsuch as swirl, twirl, whirl, and girl. 

Practice the skill within an activity

Say the phrases in the chart below as you demonstrate and the children do the corresponding suggested actions.

Say: Suggested Actions:
Look at my curl. Show the children your curled ribbon.
I can twirl my curl. Twirl your curled ribbon. Twirl your ribbon in a circular motion.
I can swirl my curl. Swirl ribbon in a figure eight motion.
I can whirl my curl.  Spin around in a circle with your ribbon.
Now you have a curl. Give each child their own curl. 
Everyone twirl your curl. Have the children twirl their ribbons together.
Everyone swirl your curl.  Have the children swirl their ribbons together.
Everyone whirl your curl. Have the children whirl their ribbons together.
Now give your curl to a girl. Have the children clean up by selecting one girl to collect the ribbon curls.
  • Ask the children to take turns saying all of the words they remember from the activity that rhyme with curl. 

Apply the skill

Practice rhyming 

  • Produce words that rhyme with curl
    • Remind the children of the words they played with (girl, swirl, whirl, twirl). 
    • Tell them you can think of another word that rhymes with curl (pearl). 
    • Ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with curl. 
    • If a child doesn't respond in a few seconds, give him/her an option: 
      • "How about girl? Does girl rhyme with curl?" (Nod your head yes to let the child know that they rhyme) 
      • "Do swirl and whirl rhyme?" (Nod your head yes) 
  • Recognize rhyming words 
    • Have the children repeat a set of two words (e.g., curl, girl). 
    • Ask the children to put their thumbs up if the words rhyme and their thumbs down if the words do not rhyme. 
    • Repeat with other sets of words: (e.g.,, twirl, swirl; whirl, toy; curl, girl; pearl, goat). 
    • If children do not respond correctly, repeat the two words, emphasizing the ending sounds of the words. 
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SEEL At Home


Recognize words that rhyme with curl (e.g., "Do girl and curl rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with curl."). 


  • Two curled ribbons
  • Fun music

Activity: Swirl and Twirl

  • Give your child a curled ribbon. Ask him or her what actions you could do with the ribbon that rhyme with curl (e.g., swirl, twirl, whirl).
  • Turn on fun music and swirl, twirl, and whirl your curls together (e.g., twirl = wave ribbon in a circular motion, swirl = wave ribbon in a figure eight, whirl = spin around in a circle with ribbon).  
  • Have your child use words and phrases with words that rhyme with -irl as they swirl, twirl, and whirl their curl (e.g.; Swirl your curl. Twirl your curl. Whirl your curl. A girl can swirl and twirl.).
  • Repeat as many times as desired. 
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
