note vote

Note Vote
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with note (e.g., "Do vote and note rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with note."). 

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • note
  • vote
  • coat
  • boat
  • float


  • –ote\–oat notes (see below)
  • Coat with a pocket
  • Rhyme identification cards (see below) 

State and model the objective
Tell the children that they will vote for a note, put it in the coat, and hear and say words that rhyme with note, such as vote, coat, boat, and float. 

Practice the skill within an activity

Note vote 

  • Explain to the children that you will read the –ote\–oat notes (see below) aloud and they will decide if they end in –ote\–oat. 
  • Tell the children that if the notes end in –ote\–oat, then they will vote by raising their hands and saying, "I vote for the note!"   
  • Read the notes one at a time and ask the children to vote.
    • If the note has an –ote\–oat word ending, put the note in the coat pocket and say together, “The note goes in the coat!”  
    • If the note does not have an –ote\–oat word ending, have the children say, “No vote for the note! Don’t put it in the coat!” and set it aside.
  • Ask the children to say all of the words they heard in the activity that rhyme with note.

Apply the skill 

Practice rhyming 

  • Produce words that rhyme with note 
    • Remind the children of the words they played with (note, vote, coat, boat, float). 
    • Tell them you can think of other words that rhyme with note (goat, throat, tote, wrote). 
    • Ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with note. 
    • If a child doesn't respond in a few seconds, give him/her an option: 
      • "How about vote? Does vote rhyme with note?" (Nod your head yes to let the child know that they rhyme)
      • "Do coat and note rhyme?" (Nod your head yes) 
  • Recognize rhyming words 
    • Have the children repeat a set of two words (e.g. note, float). 
    • Ask the children to put their thumbs up if the words rhyme and thumbs down if the words do not rhyme. 
    • Repeat with other sets of words: (e.g., vote, coat; float, boat; goat, cat; throat, wrote; note, vote; tote, duck). 
    • If children do not respond correctly, repeat the two words, emphasizing the ending sounds of the words.  
  • Recognize words that do and do not rhyme using pictures (see graphics below) 
    • Lay out two pictures of words that end in –ote\–oat (e.g., goat, boat) and one picture that does not end in -oat\-ote (e.g., dog). 
    • State all possible word pairs and let the children help you identify the picture that does not rhyme. Remove the picture that does not rhyme with –ote\–oat. 
    • Repeat with other set of pictures: 
      • Vote, note, rock 
      • Coat, tote, cheese 
      • Goat, note, girl 
      • Boat, tote, bird
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SEEL At Home


Recognize words that rhyme with note (e.g., "Do vote and note rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with note​​​​​​."). 


  • Paper
  • Pencil 

Activity: Note Vote

  • Tell your child that he or she is going to write nice notes and give them to people that he or she knows. 
  • Have your child tell you what he or she wants the notes to say (e.g.; You are nice. I like you. You are pretty. You are my friend.); write the messages on separate pieces of paper.
  • Say the name of a family member, friend, or neighbor and have your child vote for which note he or she wants to give that person by pointing to a note and saying, “I vote for that note!”
  • Put the notes in the pocket of the people’s coats for them to find later (if possible) and say together, “Note in the coat,” deliver the notes with your child, or have your child leave the note in a place where the person will find it. 
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.