Bob the Slob

Recognize words that rhyme with Bob (e.g., "Do slob and Bob rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with Bob.").
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- Bob
- slob
- job
- glob
- gob
- Stuffed animal dog or dog graphic (see below)
- Sign that says "Slob" (see below)
- Brown paper (some of it ripped up into small pieces)
State and model the objective
Tell the children that they will read a story about a dog named Bob, who is a slob and hear and say words that rhyme with Bob, such as glob, gob, job, and slob.
Practice the skill within an activity
- Bob the slob
- Read the story (see below) about Bob the slob to the children and have them do the corresponding actions.
- Read the story again, but this time, have the children pretend to wag their tails every time they hear a word ending in –ob.
- Ask the children to take turns saying a word they heard in the activity that rhymes with Bob.
Say: | Suggested Actions: |
I have a dog named Bob. | Show your pet dog. |
Bob is a slob of a dog. | Have a child put a sign that says, "slob" on the dog. |
Bog played in a glob of dirt. | Have the children sprinkle brown colored paper all around the dog. |
Then Bob played in a gob of mud. | Have the children crumple brown paper together as a gob and sprinkle it around the dog. |
Now we have to clean up Bob the slob! | Have the children begin to clean up the mess. |
It is a job to clean up after Bob. | Continue cleaning. |
What a job! | Throw the paper in the trash and act exhausted. |
Do you want a job to clean up after Bob? | Wait for the childrens' responses. |
Apply the skill
- Practice blending and segmenting sounds in words
- March and say the sounds in words
- Tell the children that they will practice saying words that rhyme with Bob in fun ways.
- Have the children march and say the beginning and ending sounds of the word Bob:
- Segment sounds: say /B/ (march right), say /ob/ (march left)
- Blend sounds: jump with both feet and say Bob to blend the sounds into a word.
- Repeat with other words that rhyme with Bob (e.g., slob, glob, job, gob, etc.)
- Tap out sounds in words
- Have the children blend individuals sounds into words by tapping their head (beginning), and toes (end) then clap to say the whole word (e.g. /B/ tap head, /ob/ tap toes = Bob clap hands)
- /gl/ /ob/ = glob
- /g/ /ob/ = gob
- /j/ /ob/ = job
- /sl/ /ob/ = slob
- Have the children identify the onset (beginning sound) and rime (the vowel and ending sounds) of words by tapping their head (onset) and their toes (rime) (e.g. Bob = /B/ tap head, /ob/ tap toes). Point out that all of the words have the -ob sound at the end.
- glob = /gl/ /ob/
- gob = /g/ /ob/
- job = /j/ /ob/
- slob = /sl/ /ob/
- Have the children blend individuals sounds into words by tapping their head (beginning), and toes (end) then clap to say the whole word (e.g. /B/ tap head, /ob/ tap toes = Bob clap hands)
- March and say the sounds in words
SEEL At Home
Recognize words that rhyme with Bob (e.g., "Do slob and Bob rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with Bob.").
- Pieces of brown paper
- Dog graphic (see below)
- Write the word “slob” on the dog graphic (see below).
- Tell your child that the dog's name is Bob and that Bob is a “slob of a dog” (i.e., he loves to make a mess).
- Let your child tear up pieces of brown paper and place them on Bob the dog.
- Explain that Bob played in a glob of dirt and now he needs to be cleaned.
- Clean Bob with your child by picking the brown pieces of paper off of him while chanting, “Bob the Slob! Clean up Bob!"
- Chant the phrase, What a job!” when you and your child have finished cleaning Bob.
- Let your child decorate Bob the dog by using black and brown crayons to make him a slob.
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Bob the Slob