stop and shop

Stop and Shop

Stop and Shop
Target text


Recognize words that rhyme with shop (e.g., "Do stop and shop rhyme?") and produce rhyme words (e.g., "Think of a word that rhymes with shop.").

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • hop
  • top
  • shop
  • mop
  • pop
  • glop


  • Stop at This Shop sign*
  • Items (or picture cards*) that rhyme with shop
    • A mop (craft sticks with yarn strands)
    • A lollipop
    • A toy top 
    • Bottle tops
    • A can of pop
    • Popcorn kernels that can hop
    • Glop (flour mixed with water) (optional)
  • Stop and Shop target text*

*Items included below.

State and Model the Objective

Tell the children that they will hop and stop at a shop as they recognize and produce words that rhyme with shop, such as hop, pop, top, mop, and stop.

Literacy Activities

Set up shop

  • To make a mop, attach several strands of yarn to one end of a craft stick.
  • Have the children help identify the items (or graphics) that rhyme with shop and point out that they all end with -op.
  • Talk about the items as you set up the shop (i.e., A mop can wipe up slop and glop. Be careful not to drop the pop.).
  • Put up the "Stop at This Shop" sign near the shop.

Hop to the shop then stop

  • Lead the children in hopping around the room until they get to the shop and you say "Stop!"
  • Have the children read the "Stop at This Shop" sign then hop into the shop to look for things that rhyme with shop.
  • Hold up items and ask questions like "Is this a top?" and "Does top rhyme with shop?"
  • Invite the children to take turns asking a friend if they would like to buy something from the table that rhymes with shop  (e.g., a top, a mop, a lollipop).

Listen for target words in a text

  • Display the Stop at a Shop target text large enough for children to see.
  • Read the text to the children, pointing to each word in left to right sequence, and emphasize the words that rhyme with shop.
  • Invite the children to repeat words that rhyme with shop with you as you read it again. 
  • Help the children recall words they heard in the text that rhyme with shop.

Produce words that rhyme with shop

  • Remind the children of the words they heard that rhyme with shop (hop, pop, mop).
  • Ask each child to think of a word that rhymes with shop (support as needed).

Recognize rhyming words 

  • Have the children repeat a set of 2 words (e.g. shop, hop). 
  • Ask the children to hop if the words rhyme and stand still if they do not rhyme (support as needed). 
  • Repeat with other sets of words: (e.g., stop, drop; plop, flop; tan, mop; crop, cat; pop, top). 
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SEEL Target Texts

Stop and Shop

Let’s hop to a shop.
Let’s stop at a shop to get a top.
Let’s stop at a shop to get a mop.
Look! There's a shop with a top.
And the shop has a mop.
And the shop has things that hop and go pop.
And the shop has lolli-pops, soda pop, and glop!
How much fun to stop and shop at THAT shop!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.