a store sells 4s

A Store Sells 4s

A Store Sells 4s
Target text


Recognize and generate words that rhyme with store.

See Standards

Lesson Plan

Target Words:

  • more
  • door
  • bore
  • store
  • floor


  • Pitcher
  • Box or other container
  • Page of 4s*
  • Page with forty-four 4s*
  • 4s in a Store target text*
  • A Chore to Pour 4s target text*

*Items included below. 

State the Objective

Tell the children that they will pretend to go to a store that sells the number 4, and they will think of words that rhyme with store, such as door, floor, more, and bore.

Literacy Activities

Introduce target words

  • Read the children a list of rhyming words from the activity.
  • Have the children repeat the words.
  • Point out that the words sound alike, or rhyme.

Set up and explore a store that sells 4s

  • Read the 4s in a Store target text (see below) to the children.
  • Make four doors for the store by putting tape on the floor.
  • Create a sign for the store with the children (e.g., Store for 4s, A 4 Store).
  • Place the box on the ground to act as a drawer. 
  • Put 4s and forty-four 4s (see below) on the floor of the store and in the drawer.
  • Let the children take turns knocking on the door to buy 4s. 

Pour 4s

  • Read A Chore to Pour 4s (see below) to the children.
  • Let the children put 4s (see below) in a pitcher.
  • Have the children take turns pouring 4s out of the pitcher.
  • Ask the children to say “It’s a bore to pour 4s!” and snore.

Recognize rhyming words

  • Ask the children to show you thumbs up if two words rhyme (e.g., door, more) and thumbs down if the words do not rhyme (e.g., door, boat).
  • Repeat with other sets of words.
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SEEL Target Texts

4s in a Store

4s in a store.
4s on the door.
4s on the floor.
4s in a drawer.
More and more 4—
Forty four 4s!
Explore the store with 4s.
Get 4 or forty-four 4s from the 4 store.

A Chore to Pour 4s

Make 4s—
4s to pour.
Pour 4s. 
More and more 4s. 
More 4s to pour.

It is a chore to pour 4s – more and more 4s.
What a bore. 
What a bore to pour 4s. 

Read More



SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
