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The Bug and Jug Story

There were once some red bugs that lived on a rug. They were so snug on their rug. Sometimes they liked to dig. They dug and dug and dug near their rug and put everything they found on their rug. There was one thing that the red bugs were missing on their nice snug rug. They were missing something that ends with -ug and begins with the letter j. They were missing a jug.
So they dug and dug and dug far away from their rug until they found a gigantic jug. Those red bugs had to try to tug and lug the big heavy jug and bring it back to their rug. The jug was so heavy they could not tug it by themselves. The red bugs needed help from the slugs to tug the heavy jug back to the rug.
The slugs and the red bugs tried to tug and lug the jug, but the jug was still too heavy. However, there was one really smart red bug. He looked at the heavy jug and he saw that it had a plug. The very smart bug pulled out the plug. The water rushed out of the jug and made a sound: glug, glug, glug! 
There were some water bugs that came glugging out of the jug with the water. The red bugs and slugs and the water bugs tugged the jug back to the rug.
Then each bug found a spot on the snug rug and had a drink of cocoa from a mug. They had a party and did a dance called the jitterbug. Then they all got snug and went to sleep on the rug. 

Meet My Bug

Do you want to meet my bug?
If you do, say, “Hi, bug!”
This is my bug.
Do you want to give my bug a hug?
If you do, say, “Hug bug!”
Hug my bug.
Do you want to make my bug snug?
If you do, say, “Snug bug!”
Do you want to make my bug snug in the mug? 
Do you want to make my bug snug in the jug? 
Do you want to make my bug snug on the rug? 
Put my bug on the rug.
Let my bug get snug.
Now, give my bug on the rug a hug.
What a cute little snug bug!