Multiple Target Texts by Category

SEEL Target Texts

Short O

Short o is in a lot of words.
Short o is the vowel sound in got, not, and lot
Short o is in frog, hop and lot.
A frog can hop a lot.
Short o is in tock and clock.
That clock goes tock, tock, tock and not tick tock. 
Short o is in got, hot, and pot.
I got a hot pot. Watch out!
Short o is in job and glob.
It’s my job to make some glob.
Short o is in mop and slop.
The mop mops up lots of slop.
Short o is in jog, frog, and dog.
The frog jogs with the dog.  
Short o is in rock and sock.
A rock got in my sock!  
Short o has lots of jobs!

Let’s Pop Pop-corn

Let’s pop pop-corn.
We can pop it in a pot.  
We’ve got a pot with a slot in the top.
We can drop pop-corn seeds in the slot in the pot.
Drop pop-corn seeds in the slot in the pot.
Drop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
Put a top on the pop-corn pot.
Let the pot get hot.
Do not touch the pot.
The pot is hot!
Pop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
See the popcorn pop and hop.
The popcorn pops a lot.
The pop-corn pops out of the pot!
Stop! Stop, pop-corn!  
Do not pop lots and lots of pop-corn.
Do not hop out of the pot.
Put a top on the pot. 

Hop to a Pop-corn Shop

Let’s hop to a shop that pops pop-corn.
Drop pop-corn seeds in a box.
Put a top on the box. 
Do not let the pop-corn hop out.
Stop at the shop.
Drop the pop-corn in a slot in the pot.
Drop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
When the pot gets hot, the pop-corn pops and hops.
See the pop-corn pop and hop.
Pop-corn hops out of the pot.
Stop! Stop, pop-corn!
Do not hop out of the pot!
Drop the pop-corn in a box.
Put a top on the pop-corn box.
Hop out of the shop with a box of pop-corn.


Let’s Pop Pop-corn

Let’s pop pop-corn.
We can pop it in a pot.   
We’ve got a pot with a slot in the top.
We can drop pop-corn seeds in the slot in the pot.
Drop pop-corn seeds in the slot in the pot.
Drop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
Put a top on the pop-corn pot.
Let the pot get hot.
Do not touch the pot.
The pot is hot!
Pop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
See the popcorn pop and hop.
The popcorn pops a lot.
The pop-corn pops out of the pot!
Stop!  Stop, pop-corn!  
Do not pop lots and lots of pop-corn.
Do not hop out of the pot.
Put a top on the pot. 

Hop to a Pop-corn Shop

Let’s hop to a shop that pops pop-corn.
Drop pop-corn seeds in a box.
Put a top on the box. 
Do not let the pop-corn hop out.
Stop at the shop.
Drop the pop-corn in a slot in the pot.
Drop a lot of pop-corn in the pot.
When the pot gets hot, the pop-corn pops and hops.
See the pop-corn pop and hop.
Pop-corn hops out of the pot.
Stop!  Stop, pop-corn!
Do not hop out of the pot!
Drop the pop-corn in a box.
Put a top on the pop-corn box.
Hop out of the shop with a box of pop-corn.

Pop a Lot of Pop-Corn

Hop hop, hop to a shop.
Stop at the pop-corn shop!
The shop has a lot of pop-corn.
And the shop has a big pot.
And the pot has a top.
And the top has a slot – a slot to drop in pop-corn seeds.
We can drop pop-corn seeds in the slot – in the slot in the pot.
The pot will get hot.
Then the hot pop-corn will hop and pop in the pot.
The pop-corn hops and pops in the hot pot!
Hop, hop, hop!
Pop, pop, pop!
Take off the top, and what have we got?
A lot of pop-corn!

Dogs Can Jog

Dogs can jog.
Frogs can hop.
Hogs can trot.

Can a dog jog with a frog and a hog?
Can a dog trot to a log like a hog?
Can a dog hop over a log like a frog?
Can a dog jog on top of a log?
Can a dog jog on top of a log with a frog and a hog?

My, my, my!
What a dog!
What a frog!
What a hog!

Dog, Frog, and Hog Chant

Dogs like to jog.
We can jog like a dog!

Frogs like to hop.
We can hop like a frog!

Hogs like to trot.
We can trot like a hog!