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SEEL Target Texts

Rainy Day

It is a rainy day.
It’s not fair, I say!
Rain is a pain!
I don’t want to just sit inside on a chair.
I can’t wait to go out and play.
But, I can go out and play in the rain.
I’ll put on a pair of rain boots.
I’ll slap on a rain hat.
I’ll grab a pail.
I’ll try to fill a pail with rain drops.
Maybe the rain will go all the way up to the top of the pail.
I’ll sail a paper boat in the pail filled with rain.
Or, I’ll see what can float in a pail filled with rain.
I can watch the rain go down a drain.
I can find snails that come out when it rains.  
But I can’t see a snail make a trail.
The rain washes away the snail’s slime.
Don’t wait for the rain to go away.
You may want to play all day in the rain!
You can have fun when you play in the rain.
Rain does not have to be a pain.  

Make a Cake for a Bake Sale

This is the day for a bake sale.
It is a nice day for a bake sale.
We will make the best cakes without fail!
I can’t wait to make a cake for the bake sale.
Get a cake pan.
Take out the things that go in a cake.
Shake in the cake mix.
Make the batter.
Wait while the cake bakes.
Take the cake out of the oven.

Sell Cakes at the Bake Sale

Set the cakes out on plates.
Place the cakes on a tray.
Make space on the tray for plates of cake.
Make tags that say how much to pay.
Kids, moms, and dads wait in line at our bake sale.
See who will claim a cake from a plate on the tray.

Take Home a Cake

We wait in line to pick a cake to take home.
Stay in line to keep your place.
Pay for your cake.
You will like the taste of that cake!
It was baked today.
We paid for the cake!
We take it away.
Now we get to share the cake.
Cut a slice of cake.
Lay the slice of cake on a plate.
Now we get to taste the cake.
We liked the taste of the cake.
We ate a lot of cake.
But a few crumbs stay on the plate.
Shake the stale crumbs off the plates.

Will Things Stay on a Tray?

We can use a tray to take things from place to place.
We can put things on a tray to take them away.
We can place plates on a tray and take them away.
We can lay things on a tray to bring them to a place or take them away.
We can even lay mail on a tray and take the mail to another place.

Which way will you use a tray?
To bring or take things away?

But wait!
Things may not stay on the tray if the tray sways.
Do not make the tray sway or shake.
If we shake the tray, the plates will shake.
If we shake the tray, the mail may sway.
Stay out of the way if the tray sways!
Do not tip the tray or make it sway.