Multiple Target Texts by Category
SEEL Target Texts
I Like Hats
I like hats. All kinds of hats.
I like a hat that is flat, like a cap.
I like a hat that is fat.
I like a big hat.
I like a red hat.
I like a hat with a flap.
I like a top hat.
I like a dress-up hat.
I even like a Cat-in-the-Hat hat.
When I see a great new hat,
I say, “I like that hat!”
I can sell that hat in my hat store.
Grab Bag
We got to play a grab bag game.
We had to grab and snag a bag.
We had to jab and nab a bag.
We did not get sad or mad when we didn’t grab a fun bag.
And we did not act like a crab.
If we got something we liked, we did not brag.
We were glad to play grab bag!
Short A, Take a Nap!
Short a makes a lot of noisy sounds!
I can hear short a in tap, clap, rap, slap, snap, yap, and zap.
Short a is in bash, crash, slash, mash, smash, and splash.
Do you hear short a in chat? Splat? And rat-a-tat-tat?
Short a makes things go slam and wham!
Short a is in smack and crack and whack.
Short a, you are too noisy!
Go take a nap!
Short a Needs a Nap!
Short a is a busy sound.
I can find short a in can and ran and man.
I can hear short a when a cat and a rat nap on a mat.
The short a sat for a chat.
Do you hear short a in slam and wham?
The short a is in my back-pack when I get a snack.
Short a is so busy, it needs a nap!
Can a cat and a rat fit in a can?
I have a can.
I have a cat and a rat.
Can the rat fit in the can?
Yes! The rat sat in the can.
The rat can fit.
The rat ran out.
Then the fat cat sat in the can.
The fat cat can fit in the can.
Can the rat fit in the can with the cat?
The rat did not get in the can with the cat.
The rat ran away.
The rat did not want to get in the can with the cat.
I have a cat and a rat.
Can the rat fit in the can?
Yes! The rat sat in the can.
The rat can fit.
The rat ran out.
Then the fat cat sat in the can.
The fat cat can fit in the can.
Can the rat fit in the can with the cat?
The rat did not get in the can with the cat.
The rat ran away.
The rat did not want to get in the can with the cat.